date, I have found 24 Civil
War veterans in Calistoga's Pioneer Cemetery (23 confirmed
Union). This
list is
believed to be complete. Arranged below, in alphabetical order,
are biographies, obituaries and military service information for
each. You can view the biographical information by scrolling
down, or by clicking the link to a name in the "quick index" below.
BENTLEY, Daniel M.
CONNER, Newton
LANE, Charles W.
STRATTON, William E.
FAILING, J. Sanford
MANGIS, Andrew B.
TOWLE, Augustine
BURGER, Louis (Lewis)
FLYNN, Patrick H.
McPHERSON Francis M.
VEALE, Thomas F. W.
CLARK, Reese (Reece)
Henry I.
MOORE, Andrew J.
VON BOYD, Alexander
COLLINS, Samuel W.
MURPHY, Samuel C.
WANDELL, Nelson L.
CONNER, Napoleon B.
JENNINGS, Charles E.
NORTON, James B.
Daniel Bentley's G.A.R. badges.
Badge Serial No.
V66807 (Mfr'd 1882)
Daniel Morgan Bentley
1825 - 1903
Rank: Private
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper, 20 March 1903):
Another Old Soldier Dies.
Daniel M. Bentley, a civil war veteran, died at his home
north of town last Saturday morning after a lingering illness.
Mr. Bentley was stricken with paralysis some five months ago, and this,
coupled with old age, was the cause of his death.
The deceased was a native of New York state and was aged
77 years and 5 months. He served for nearly two years in the
civil war, being a member of the Sixth Iowa cavalry. Mr. Bentley
came to California about thirty-five years ago, and after spending a
few months in different parts of the state seeking a location, took up
his residence near Calistoga. The deceased was twice married, his
first wife having died many years ago, but his second wife
survives. He was the father of four children, namely:
Emmett, Ida, Emma and Charles, all of whom are dead save the latter.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon from his late
residence and was conducted under the auspices of Governor Morton post,
No. 40 [sic -- 41], G.A.R., of which, the deceased was a highly
member. The Rev. George Clifford officiated and the remains were
laid beside those of his son, Emmett. The funeral ceremonies were
largely attended by old friends and acquaintances.
Native of New York, born 15 August 1825. He is reported to be the
son of Russell D. Bentley (1802-1890) and Julia Fanny Betts (1802-1878).
He was described in 1892
as age 66, height 5
feet 8 inches, dark complexion, blue eyes, gray hair, occupation
farmer. The
Bentley family lived on their property west of the intersection of
Palisade Road and what is now Highway 29. An S-curve in the old
county road near their house was once known as "Bentley's
Corners." The family also owned property east of
the highway on the present-day Deiss residence, which in my youth we
called the "Bentley Hill." Their property was immediately north
of my own. Daniel and his wife, Lydia, had a son Charles
"Charlie" Bentley, who reached adulthood and married. Charlie's
son, Wesley, is a good friend of our family.
Daniel M. Bentley appears in the 1850 census in Van Buren,
Onondaga County, New York, as a head of a household of three. He
was listed as age 25, born in New York, occupation farmer. His
household included his wife Calista L. (age 20, born in New York), and
an Irish farmer (hired help?) named Stanley Christopher (age 16).
By 1861, Daniel and his wife had moved to Iowa.
Calista died there on 3 March 1861, and was buried in Oakshade Cemetery,
Marion Township, Linn County, IA. Daniel was still living in
Marion when he enlisted in the 6th Iowa Cavalry in October 1862,
serving until August 1864. Daniel married his second wife, Lydia
F. Martz (born 21 September 1836 in OH), in Linn County, IA, on 6 July 1862.
The Bentleys' first child, Emmitt, was born in Iowa on 12
January 1868. By 1870, they had returned to New York to be close
to Daniel's parents.
"Morgan D.Bentley" was enumerated in the 1870 census in
Van Buren (Baldwinsville P.O.), Onondaga County, New York. He was
listed as age 44, born in New York, occupation farm hand. His
household included his wife Lydia F. (age 30, born in Ohio), and son
Emmett (age 2, born in Iowa). They were living next door to
Russell D. Bentley (age 68, born in Rhode Island) and his wife Julia
(age 68, born in New York), who were probably relatives.
About 1872, Daniel, Lydia and their son Emmitt came to
California, settling in Calistoga a few months after their
arrival. A son, Charles Elmer, was born two years later (18 October 1874).
"D. M. Bentley" and his family were enumerated in the 1880
census in Hot Springs Township (Calistoga vicinity), Napa County.
He was listed as married, age 55, born in New York, mother born in
Connecticut, father born in New York, occupation farmer. The
household included his wife "Elizabeth" (age 42, born in Ohio), and son
"Emmet" (age 12, born in Iowa), and son Charles (age 6, born in
Tragedy struck the Bentley family in 1887 with the death
of Emmitt at Calistoga on 22 September.
Daniel and his family were enumerated in the 1900 census
in Hot Springs Precinct (Calistoga vicinity). He was head of
household, listed as married (38 years), age 74, born August 1825 in
New York, father born in Connecticut, mother born in New York.
His occupation was not given. The household included Daniel's
wife, Lydia, born September 1839 in Ohio, and Charles, born October
1873 in California.
Daniel Morgan Bentley died at his home north of Calistoga
on 14 March 1903,
and was buried in Section 3, Block B, Lot 13 of Calistoga Pioneer
Cemetery on 16 March 1903.
Military Information:
Union. Enlisted on 4 October 1862 at age 36, and mustered into
Company K, 6th Iowa Cavalry Regiment on 10 October 1862.
At the time of enlistment, he was listed as a resident of Marion, Iowa,
and native of New York. Discharged on 8 August 1864 at Fort
Randall, Dakota Territory. Indian fighter. Rank in:
Private. Rank out: Private.
He was an early member and officer of Calistoga's Gov.
Morton Post, No. 41, G.A.R.

Company K
6th Iowa Cavalry
1836 - 1918
Rank: Captain (Brevet Lieutenant Colonel)
Biography 1 (History of Butler and
Bremer Counties, Iowa, 1885):
Colonel N. [sic] E. Billings, one of the attorney’s of
Waverly, Iowa, was born in Booneville, Oneida county, New York, July 8,
1837. His father was Jarvis Billings, formerly of Tolland,
Connecticut; his mother, Almira Partridge, of Wilbraham, Massachusetts.
They were married in Chenango county, New York, where eight children
were born to them. In 1845, he emigrated with his family to Boone
county, Illinois, where he engaged in farming until 1855. That
year he removed to Fillmore county, Minnesota, where he laid out
the county seat of that county, and where he still resides at the
advanced age of ninety-three. The subject of this sketch was
reared on a farm, receiving his early education in the common schools,
spending two years and eight months at Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana,
where he studied the languages and law, and fitted himself for a civil
engineer. He was admitted to the Bar of the United States Courts
in 1865, by the United States District Court of Kentucky. In the
spring of 1861, he entered the First United States Sharp Shooters,
participating in the engagements with the Army of the Potomac. He
was wounded at the battle of Antietam, by the explosion of a shell, and
for this cause discharged January 7, 1863. He then returned to
Minnesota, where he raised a company and joined the Second Minnesota
Cavalry. He was commissioned First Lieutenant of the
Company. After a time he resigned and enlisted as a private in
Company L, of the Fifth Iowa Cavalry. He was promoted to Second
Lieutenant of the One Hundred and Fifteenth United States Veterans, and
still later promoted to Captain of the one Hundred and Twentieth United
States Veterans. He was in front of Petersburg and Richmond, when
the Rebel army surrendered, at which time he was promoted to
Lieutenant-Colonel of the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth United States
Veterans. At the close of the war he returned to Minnesota.
In 1867, was appointed as assistant United States District Attorney, at
Russellville, Kentucky; also appointed agent in the Freedman’s
Bureau. In 1869, he went to Kansas as civil engineer on the L.
& G. R..R.; then to northwestern Missouri, where he was engaged on
the Chicago and Southwestern Railroad; then to the Central Iowa
Railroad. In the fall of 1869, Mr. Billings came to Waverly,
where has since followed his profession, and is one of Waverly’s most
studious and energetic attorneys. He has built up a lucrative
practice. Aside from his practice here, he has an extensive real estate
interest in Fillmore county, Minnesota. He is an active member of
the Legion of Honor of this place.
Biography 2 (History of
Solano and Napa Counties, California, 1912):
Few, if any,
citizens of California have made careers more illustrious than that of
Judge Billings, of Calistoga, Napa county. His has been an
exceedingly useful and busy life, crowded with work and filled with
varied experiences. His retirement from the heat and burden of
the day enabled him to review his past and give to the present
generation an inspiration to deeds of nobler endeavor in the service of
Myron E. Billings was born in Booneville, Oneida county,
New York, July 8, 1836. Tracing his ancestry back to England, we
find that he comes of a noble family. He has in his possession
the old coat of arms of the English Billingses. When he was eight
years old his immediate family moved to Boone county, Ill. Here
he went to the public school and at the age of thirteen years passed an
examination permitting him to enter Notre Dame College, at South Bend,
Ind. There he studied law and civil engineering, graduating with
honors in both departments. He also mastered the German tongue
and can, to this day, read and translate German writings and write in
the language. At the outbreak of the Civil war in 1861, being at
the time in Minnesota, he enlisted in the First Minnesota regiment, the
first regiment to volunteer its services upon the beginning of
hostilities. There being no railroads in those days, the quickest
mode of transportation for the regiment was by boat down the
Mississippi river and up the Ohio. At Gettysburg this
organization lost heavily, eighty-five per cent. of the members of its
ten companies being killed or wounded. Mr. Billings was on duty
at the capture of Yorktown and fought in all engagements in which his
regiment participated up to and including the battle of Antietam, in
which he was wounded as one of the minor consequences of the explosion
of a shell against a rock. Seven members of his regiment were
blown into unrecognizable fragments. It was only because Sergeant
Billings was a little outside of the shock center that he escaped with
his life. But from his belt to his feet he was almost literally
filled with fragments of shell and rock. His company was attached
to the First United States Sharpshooters. He had just been
promoted to be adjutant of the Seventh Minnesota regiment, but was
prevented from accepting the position because of his wounds.
After a hospital term, during which many fragments of rock and
cast-iron were removed from his body, he was honorably discharged July
12, 1863. Returning to his home he was under physicians' care
until his recovery was complete. Then he made application to the
secretary of war for an examination for a commission and appeared
before an army board presided over by Major General David Hunter, was
passed first-class and recommended for a commission. He was soon
commissioned second lieutenant in the One Hundred and Fifteenth
regiment United States Veteran Volunteers and detailed to the staff of
Major General George H. Thomas. His next promotion was to a
captaincy in the One Hundred and Twentieth regiment United States
Veteran Volunteers, this also by examination. He entered Richmond
in command of the third Union regiment that went into the city after
the Confederates had been driven out. It was his regiment that
escorted President Lincoln through the streets of Richmond to the
Spotswood Hotel, and took possession of the so-called "Lion's Den,"
formerly occupied by President Davis of the Southern Confederacy.
Judge Billings vividly recalls seeing President Lincoln walking up the
streets of Richmond, leading his son, "little Tad," by the hand.
At this time the President issued orders promoting and giving medals of
honor to officers for their bravery in the capture of Richmond.
Mr. Billings was promoted to brevet lieutenant colonel and given
command of the One Hundred Twentieth Infantry, state of Kentucky, and
later was transferred to the One Hundred Twenty-fifth United States
Veteran Volunteers. He was judge advocate under General Joe Holt,
who was judge advocate general.
Mr. Billings resigned from the army June, 1865, and
returned to Minnesota. He was recalled by appointment of
President Lincoln, as justice of the United States criminal courts
district of five counties in the southwest part of Kentucky. This
was during reconstruction times in Kentucky, when the historic Ku Klux
Klan was active, sometimes in most unpleasant ways. Returning to
Minnesota Mr. Billings practiced law two years in Owatonna, Steele
county. Then he accepted employment as civil engineer in the
construction of the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Gulf Railroad in Kansas,
and later in the construction of the Chillicothe and Des Moines
Railroad in Missouri and Iowa. He also served on the Central
Railroad of Iowa at Grinnell and on the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and
Northern road at Shell Rock, Iowa. In another period of his life
he was county surveyor of Bremer county, Iowa, and city attorney of
Waverly, Iowa. In the latter town he practiced law for twenty-two
years, afterwards removing to Kalama, Washington, where he practiced
thirteen years and was for a time city attorney.
Leaving Washington, Judge Billings came to California,
first settling in Berkeley, whence he came to Calistoga, Napa county in
1903. There he has since lived. He has been city attorney
for two years and has shown otherwise that he has not retired fully
from active business life at the close of his remarkable career.
By special act of Congress after the Civil war, Judge
Billings' brevet rank was increased to full rank of lieutenant colonel
with pay, and a pension of $30 a month. He was one of the few men
so honored by the President and by Congress, illustrating the value of
his service to the country. Judge Billings has a fine residence
in Calistoga, built of stone from Napa county and walls two feet thick,
the best constructed house in the county, which contains many relics of
his illustrious experiences. Among other things, he has two
beautiful inlaid tables, made by himself, of elegant design and
January 19, 1856, Judge Billings married Julie C.
Churchill, a native of Illinois. His second marriage took place
in Iowa, where Delia E. Welcher became his wife November 13,
1874. He has the following named children: Elmore M. (Mrs.
Clara M. Von Dorn), and Mrs. Lucille M. Dickerson.
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper,
November 1918):
Well-Known Citizen a Victim of Bronchial Pneumonia
Colonel M. E. Billings, who was reported in last week's
paper as being very ill from bronchial pneumonia, died at his home at
the residence of I. M. Martin on Lincoln avenue Monday just at the noon
hour. He had been sick for nearly three weeks, but was so much
better the day before his death that he dismissed his nurse and sat up
in bed a little while Sunday. About 1 o'clock the following
morning he grew worse and called to I. M. Martin to come and stay with
him, which he did, and from that time on Mr. Billings failed
rapidly. About ten minutes before his death he asked Mr. Martin
to hand him a letter from his daughter, and he took a pen and changed
an address, saying that it might be of importance some time. When
he had finished that task he remarked, "I cannot see well; I am
gradually getting blind. I guess I have about come to the end of
my trail." At that he lay back on his pillow, and after
floundering around a little he expired.
Colonel Billings was really a remarkable man and was
possessed with a wonderful amount of information. He was one of
the best read men in the country and was greatly interested in the
European war from its beginning. He made a number of prophecies
from time to time to the editor of this paper, and every one of them
came true. Shortly after the Lusitania was sunk the writer said
to him: "Colonel, do you think the United States will get into
the war?" He replied: "Yes, Charley, your Uncle Sammie will
never stand for its citizens -- innocent women and little helpless
children -- to be murdered on the high seas. Then when we do,
both Kaisers (meaning Germany and Austria) will have to come down and
Hungary will break away from Austria. It will take time and lots
of money and bloodshed, but it cannot terminate otherwise." And
that is just what is happening today, and it's a pity that he could not
have lived a little longer to see it.
Colonel Myron Elmore Billings was a native of New York,
and was aged 82 years, 3 months and 27 days. He was a veteran of
the Civil War and served throughout its entire period of four
years. While he had always been called a Colonel, his correct
title was that of Captain. He was first commissioned a Lieutenant
and then a Captain. He was wounded only once, being shot in the
foot. His younger days were spent in Minnesota and Iowa where he
practiced law and was considered a good trial lawyer in those
days. He moved to the State of Washington about thirty years ago
and came to California sixteen years ago. After spending a year
in Berkeley, he came to Calistoga and continued to live here up to the
time of his death.
He is survived by a son, E. M. Billings, and two
daughters, Mrs. ---. ---. Von Dorn and Mrs. H. E. Strassburger.
The funeral was held today under the auspices of Governor
Morton Post, No. 40, [sic -- 41] G.A.R., of which the deceased was a
member, and interment was made in the Grand Army plot in Calistoga
Native of Booneville, Oneida County, New York, born 8 July 1837.
1900: Attorney living in Kalama,
Washington. 1910: Attorney living on
Main St. (now Foothill Blvd.) in Calistoga. According to I. C.
Adams, he purchased the Francis house (old Calistoga Hospital) at the
corner of Spring and Myrtle Streets after the death of J. H.
Francis. Billings kept his law office there until his death in
1918. His widow sold the property, and moved to Oakland.
He was reportedly a member of the Iowa Legion of Honor. At
Calistoga, he was an active member of Gov. Morton Post, No. 41, G.A.R.,
and served as it's Post Commander from 1908 to 1911.
He died of pneumonia in Calistoga on 4 November 1918, and
was buried in the G.A.R. plot (Section 1, Block D) of Calistoga Pioneer
Cemetery on 8 November 1918.
Military Information:
Union. Myron Billings has one of the most complex service records
of any of Calistoga's Civil War veterans. He first joined the 2nd
Minnesota Sharpshooters company
(attached to the 1st Minnesota Infantry regiment). He enlisted 16
December 1861, at the age of 25. Residence Preston, Fillmore
County, Minnesota. The regiment was
attached for a time to the 1st U.S. Sharpshooters (commanded by Colonel
Hiram Berdan) until 30 May 1862. Then attached to the 1st
Minnesota Infantry as Company "L." Rank in: 5th
Sergeant. Rank out: Sergeant. Received medical
discharge on 12 July 1863, on account of shrapnel wounds received in
the foot during the Battle of Antietam (17 September 1862). He
was one of twenty sharpshooters wounded at Antietam in the first ten
minutes of battle.
He recovered from his
disability, and in spite of his wounds, made efforts to rejoin the
Army. According to an 1883 biography, after his recovery, he
raised a
company and re-enlisted in the 2nd Minnesota Cavalry, reportedly
commissioned First Lieutenant. I could find no record of this
He then enlisted as a
Private in the 5th Iowa Cavalry on 1 February 1864, and
was mustered into Company "L" on 17 February. The roster lists
him as a native of
New York, age 27, resident of Winneshiek County, Iowa. The Iowa
roster notes that he was discharged for promotion as Second Lieutenant
to the 16th U.S. Colored Infantry (Source: Roster and
Record of Iowa Troops in the Rebellion, Vol. 4, 1908-1911). There
is no record of him having served as an officer in the 16th U.S.
Colored Infantry. He did, however, transfer for promotion to a
colored regiment, as noted below.
While serving in the 5th Iowa Cavalry regiment, he
reportedly applied for reinstatement of his commission as an Infantry
officer in the Regular Army. His application was accepted and he
was awarded a commission as an officer in Company "A" of the 115th U.S.
Infantry on 5 October 1864. As was typical of the time, the
colored regiments were commanded by white officers. Rank
in: Full 2nd Lieutenant. Rank out: Full 2nd
He transferred
(for promotion to Full Captain) to Company "C" of the 120th U.S.
Infantry on 28 February 1865. The regiment was assigned to
garrison and guard duty in the Department of Kentucky. The 120th
was discontinued in June 1865, at which time he received orders to
transfer to the 125th U.S. Colored Infantry. He chose to resign
from the 120th U.S. Colored Infantry on 12 July 1865. Rank
in: Full Captain. Rank out: Full Captain
(Brevet Lieutenant Colonel).
His headstone lists his rank as Major (possibly the rank he held in his
post-war service in the JAG Corps). His commissioned rank during
the Civil War was never higher than Captain. The full text on the
military headstone, located in the GAR Plot at Calistoga Pioneer
Cemetery is: MAJOR | M. E. BILLINGS | 120. U.S. VOL.
He is listed as
"Myron E. Billings" on the African American Civil War Memorial in
Washington, D.C. The memorial was developed by the African American
Civil War
Memorial Freedom Foundation and Museum, and is now managed by the
National Park Service. Billings appears in the rosters of both
the 115th and 120th U.S. Colored Infantry regiments on the memorial.
Additional information on the 5th Iowa Cavalry (including
biographical information on Myron E. Billings and other members of the
regiment) can be found at the Scriptorium Novum
website. Highly recommended!
Myron E. Billings applied for and received a veterans
disability pension on 17 April 1876 (application no. 217452, cert. no.
255603). Service on the pension death index card was listed as 2
Lt., Co. A, 115 U.S.C. Inf.; Co. L, 5 Ia. Cav.; Co. C, 120 U.S.C. Inf.;
2nd Co. Minn. S.S.; and Co. L, 1 U.S. Vol. S.S. Date of death was
noted as 4 November 1918 at Calistoga, Calif.

2nd Minnesota Sharpshooter Company
(Company L
1st Minnesota Infantry)
Attached briefly to the 1st U.S. Sharpshooters

2nd Minnesota Cavalry

Company L
5th Iowa Cavalry

Company A
115th U.S. Colored Infantry

Company C
120th U.S. Colored Infantry

U.S. Army
Judge Advocate General's Corps
c.1834 - 1908
Rank: Private
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper,
11 September 1908):
Louis Barger
[sic], a veteran of the civil war, died at the county infirmary
yesterday. He was a native of Germany and aged seventy-three
years. The remains were brought here by County Undertaker M.
Moran and were buried in the Calistoga cemetery this afternoon.
Notes: Native of
Saxony, Germany. Little is
known about him. Louis Burger's
obituary indicates he died in Napa on 10 September 1908, and was buried
in Calistoga on 11 September. He
died in a period in time when the remains of some deceased persons from
the County Infirmary (in Napa) were being shipped to Calistoga for
burial. It is possible that he never actually resided in
Calistoga. There were apparently no family members available to
to the proper burial of Burger's remains, so the County authorized
Calistoga mortician and undertaker, Michael Moran, to handle the
matter. Burger is buried in the G.A.R. plot in the Calistoga
cemetery, so the G.A.R. must have also been involved with the
A Louis Burger, who was
enumerated in the 1900 census under the household of his wife, Sarah A.
Burger, in Oakland, Alameda County, California, is not the same
individual as this soldier. The former appears in Oakland in the
1910 census as Louis P. Berger.
He died at the County Infirmary in Napa on 10 September
1908, and was buried in the G.A.R. plot (Section 1, Block D) at
Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery on 11 September 1908. His military
headstone is inscribed as follows: LOUIS BURGER | CO. I. | 1 U.S.
Military Information:
Union. Regular Army. His name is listed as Lewis Burger in
the roster for Battery I of the 1st U.S. Light Artillery. He
reenlisted (his second enlistment) in Battery I of the 1st U.S.
Artillery at New York City on 8 April 1861. Previously, Burger
had served in Company B of the 6th U.S. Infantry. At the time of
reenlistment, he was described as age 27, native of Saxony, Germany,
occupation soldier, eyes gray, hair red, complexion florid, height 5' 5
1/4". He was discharged for disability at Fortress Monroe on 19
January 1863, rank Private.
I was assigned to the Army of the Potomac until May of 1865. The
battery engaged in battles at Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg,
Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness. It reportedly
suffered heavy losses at Bull Run and Gettysburg. Battery I was
present at
Appomattox Courthouse when Lee surrendered.
Battery I
1st U.S. Light Artillery (Regular Army)
Pre-Civil War Service:
Company B
6th U.S. Infantry
Reese (Reece) Clark
1844 - 1921
Rank: Bugler
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper,
27 May 1921):
Well-Known Attorney and Citizen Died Wednesday
Hon. Reese Clark,
well-known attorney and former legislator, died at his home in
Calistoga on Wednesday night, death being due to kidney trouble.
Mr. Clark, in his younger days, enjoyed a lucrative law
practice in Woodland and later in San Francisco, and was connected with
some of the most prominent criminal cases in the State. His
entire life has been an eventful one, full of romance and change.
He was a self-made man, as the tale of his career will disclose.
He was born in Missouri on November 19, 1847, while his parents were
emigrating westward in search of a new home, in company with a large
party; many of the number were killed by Indians, while others perished
from exposure and hardships. Among the number who died on the
plains were the father, mother, and brother of Mr. Clark. A
relief party rescued the few who survived the horrors of that terrible
trip. The relief party brought the rescued into Oregon, and young
Clark was placed in charge of a man named Besketh, who, at a very
tender age, put the lad to the dangerous labor of riding the horses of
the place, which, as a rule, were broken and managed only with extreme
difficulty. In 1857 young Clark's master took offense and flogged
him severely, whereupon the spirited boy ran away, and going some
twenty miles, fell in with a man with a pack mule bound for
Yreka. He joined the traveler and reached the California town in
safety, where he worked at such odd jobs as he could secure, mainly
serving trading parties, until late in the year, 1860. The
opportunity offering, he went to Jocksonville [Jacksonville], Ore., and
enlisted as a bugler in the First Oregon Cavalry, Company A. Here
his training in horsemanship served him well. He served in the
command on the frontier for three years, and in 1863 was honorably
discharged. He then bought a pony and struck out for the Idaho
mines, was successful in his venture, and sold out for a good sum and
returned to Oregon. Up to this time Mr. Clark could neither read
nor write. But he resolved to remedy these omissions, and
attended the Bethel College for two years studying with untiring
diligence and advancing with great rapidity. He then engaged in
merchandising in Polk county, Ore., and continued in it until 1875,
when he met with reverses and lost all of his little fortune, except
about a thousand dollars. With this left he struck out for
Winters, Yolo county, in this State, where he engaged in the retail
grocery and liquor business. At all possible leisure, he pursued
his studies, and took to reading law, and with such diligence and
intelligence that he was admitted to the bar by the Superior Court in
1878, and to the bar of the Supreme Court in 1884. In the
meantime, he moved to Woodland, the county seat, and entered upon the
practice of his profession. By reason of his diligence, natural
ability and strong purpose, Mr. Clark soon won an enviable place in the
esteem of the people and enjoyed a large and lucrative practice for
In 1890 he was a candidate for the Republican nomination
for Assemblyman from Yolo county. He was the choice of the
people, but not of the bosses, and they turned him down in the
convention. Such a strong appeal was made to him to run anyway
that he came out as an independent candidate and was triumphantly
elected, receiving almost as many votes as the Republican and
Democratic nominees combined.
Mr. Clark came here about fifteen years ago to make his
home, but for a time kept his law office in San Francisco, where he had
extensive business in the courts. His health failing a few years
ago caused him to retire from active practice and enjoy the fruits of a
useful and well-spent life.
Mr. Clark was twice married, his first wife having passed
away many years ago. By that union there were three son[s],
viz: Henry, Jay and George Clark; by the second marriage there
are five children -- Joseph R., Charles F. Clark, Mrs. Daisy Rathke,
Benjamin H. and Robert R. Clark. All the children and the second
wife survive.
The funeral was held from his late home today and was
strictly private. Interment was made in the Calistoga cemetery.
He was a native of Missouri, born 19 November 1844. His parents
were Benjamin Clark and Tabitha Sanders. The above
obituary paints a clear picture of the amazing life's accomplishments
of this man. My notes below draw from the above biographical
information, supplementing it with primary source data where available.
Reese appears as "Reese Clark" in the 1850 census in Macon
County, Missouri, living in the household of his parents, Benjamin and
Tabitha Clark. Reese was listed as age 7, born in Missouri.
There were four other Clark children in the household: William
E., Esther A., John P., and Erial. Benjamin was listed as age 31,
farmer, native of Kentucky. Tabitha was listed as age 30, also
native of
According to his obituary, Reese's parents brought him
across the plains when he was young, but they died enroute to Oregon,
leaving Reese as an orphan. The "History of the Columbia River
Valley From The Dalles to the Sea," published in 1928, provides some
clues to the hardships of the Clark family in crossing the plains,
noting in a brief account that the family (consisting of the parents,
three boys and a girl) left Missouri and crossed the plains in
1852. The parents, Benjamin and Tabitha, died of cholera on the
trail in Idaho. One of the children (John P.) also never
completed the journey.
Besides Reese, the family survivers of the tragedy were
Reese's brothers, William and Erial Clark, and their sister, Esther
(Hester) Clark. A rescue party was able to
bring Reese and the other survivors to Oregon, where Reese was placed
in the custody of a rancher named "Besketh" (possibly Lemuel D.
Beckett, who had been captain of a wagon train to Oregon in
1852). Reese reportedly left Besketh in 1857, after an incident
in which the lad was beaten by the latter. Clark then
sojourned in
the vicinity of Yreka, California, until returning to Oregon in
1860. In the 1860 census for Gold precinct, Polk
County, Oregon, "Rice Clark" (Reese?) was enumerated under the
household of "W. E.
Clark." The former was working as a laborer on the farm, age 18,
native of Missouri. The head of household (probably Reese's older
brother, William E.) was listed as a native of Missouri, age 25.
Reese remained in Oregon into the fall of 1861, when he joined the 1st
Oregon Cavalry at Jacksonville.
After his discharge in 1863, Clark explored a variety of
pursuits, including mining in Idaho, a mercantile business, and
personal education. In Polk County Oregon on 20 November 1867, he
married Mary E. Richardson, daughter of William and Sarah Richardson
(information courtesy Joni Brown, 2012). To this marriage were
born four children: Henry, Nellie, Jay and George.
In 1870, "Reece Clark" was living in Polk
County, Oregon
(Monmouth post office), where he appeared in the census as a merchant,
age 23, born in Missouri. His real estate was valued at $12, and
his personal estate at $700. His wife was named Mary (age 22,
born in Illinois), and their household included a one-year-old son,
Henry. Mary
died around 1875, at which time Reese moved to Yolo
County, California. He first settled in Winters, later moving to
the Yolo County seat at Woodland. On 17 November 1876, at
Cottonwood in Yolo County, Clark married Florence Luella Smith,
daughter of Daniel W. and Sarah A. Smith of Winters.
The family appears in the 1880 census in Woodland, Yolo
County, California, where Reese was listed in the census as
"R. Clark," age 34, born in Oregon, occupation lawyer. His wife
was Florence (age 21). Children in the household were
Henry (age 11), Nellie (age 9), son Jay (age 7), George (age 5), and
son Jo (age 1).
The Clark family was still living in Woodland in
1900. In the census for that year, "Reese Clark" is listed as an
attorney at law, born November 1844 in Missouri, parents both born in
Kentucky. He had been married 21 years to his wife, "Florence
S.," born September 1857 in Iowa. Florence was listed as the
mother of eight children, five still living. Others living in the
household were their sons George Clark (b. Jan. 1875 in Ore.), Joseph
R. Clark (b. Oct. 1879 in Calif.), and Charlie Clark (b. March 1881 in
Calif.), daughter Daisy E. (b. Dec. 1885 in Calif.), son Benjamin H.
(b. March 1889 in Calif.), and son Reese (b. July 1888 in
Calif.). Reese Clark's sister-in-law, Maggie M. Smith, was also
living in the household.
Around 1906, the Clark family moved to Calistoga.
They where enumerated here in the 1910 census, living on Main Street
(now Foothill
Boulevard) next door to Angus P. Mefford (my granduncle). "Reese
Clark" was listed as an attorney, age 64, born in Missouri. His
wife, Florence L. (age 52, b. in Iowa) and
son "Reese Jr." (age 18), were the other members of his
household. Florence was listed as the mother of eight children,
five still living. The census indicates that this was the first
marriage for both Reese and Florence, noting that he was 33 and she was
23 when they married. This was actually Reese's second
marriage. It was
also noted that Reese was not a veteran, although it is known that he
was one.
Reese and his family were still in Calistoga in the 1920
census. They were living on Main Street (Foothill Boulevard) on
their own ranch. Reece was listed as age 75, born in
Missouri. The others in his household were his wife, Florence
61), son Benjamin H. (age 22) and three grandchildren, George E. (age
9), Harry B. (age 7), and Lurline (age 1 year and 6 months).
Reese Clark continued to practice law in Calistoga and San
Francisco until a few years before his death. He died in
Calistoga on 25 May 1921, and was buried at Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery
in Section 1, Block B, Lot 6a. His
age at death was officially recorded as 73, but he was most likely
77 years old. His
wife, Florence Luella (a native of Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa, born 9
1857/8), relocated to Oakland where she died on 5 January
1924. They are buried together at Calistoga's Pioneer Cemetery.
Fraternally, Reese Clark was a member of the Gov. Morton
Post, No. 41, G.A.R., and Capay Lodge, No. 230, I.O.O.F. He
probably had other lodge affiliations that I have not discovered.
Military Information:
Union. He enlisted at the age of 19 as a Private at Jacksonville,
Oregon, on 21 November 1861, and was mustered into Company A of the 1st
Oregon Cavalry regiment. He was promoted to Bugler on 11 December
1862. He is named in the roster of
the "Baker Guards," which was the first cavalry company raised in
southern Oregon at the beginning of the Civil War. According to
the History of Southern Oregon
(published by A. G.
Walling, 1883), the Baker Guards were named in honor of Senator Baker
of Oregon. The company was raised during a recruiting campaign at
Jacksonville, Oregon, in the fall of 1861. Most of the recruits
were residents of Jackson County. The company numbered
about 80 men, and was garrisoned at Camp Baker, near Phoenix,
Oregon. The above history also notes that the "privates received
thirteen dollars per month 'and found,' and in case that they provided
their own horses and equipments (they were cavalry), they got twelve
dollars per month in addition, besides a bounty of $100."
Noteworthy remarks in his service record include the following:
* Detailed to attend to horses at stables eight miles from
Camp Baker in February 1862.
* Cook in March 1862.
* Detailed to take charge of horses six miles from Camp
Baker in April 1862.
* Appointed Bugler on 11 December 1862 at Fort Dalles.
* On detached service per starting 30 July 1863, per Order
No. 43 by Col. R. F. Maury.
* From 29 February to 20 June 1864 he was mounted on a
government-furnished horse and charged.
* In the field in May 1864. Charged with neglect of
duty on 8 May 1864 and relieved 10 May.
* From 20 June to 29 September 1864 he was again mounted
on his own horse.
* He was issued a "U.S. sabre complete" in July/August
1864 (charged $7.50).
* His horse died on 29 September 1864 (value $125).
He was remounted on 30 September 1864 and charged.
* From 29 October to 15 November 1864 he was again mounted
on his own horse.
Reese was discharged at Fort Vancouver, Washington
Territory, on 23 November 1864 on expiration of his term of service.
"Reece Clark" applied for veteran's disability pension in
December 1906: Application no. 1354667, certificate no. 1130545
(California). His widow, "Florence L. Clark," applied for a
widow's benefit on 2 January 1922: Application no. 1175999,
certificate no. 914697 (California).

Reece Clark
Photo courtesy Joni Brown

Company A
1st Oregon Cavalry
"Baker Guards"
Samuel Wallace
1829 - 1893
Rank: Unknown
Biography 1 (History of
Napa and Lake Counties, California, 1881):
W. Son of John W. and Miriam R. Piper Collins, was born in
Nicholas County, Kentucky, June 13, 1829. He resided in his
birthplace until he was three years of age, when his parents moved to
Greene County, Illinois, where he received his education at the common
schools, and afterwards worked a farm until 1854, when he moved to
Greenfield, that county, and was engaged in selling goods until
1857. He then went back on his farm and sold that in 1859, and
moved to Girard, Macoupin County, Illinois, and was engaged in selling
goods again at that place, until 1862. He then sold out and moved
to Linn County, Kansas, and located in Mound City, and was engaged in
selling goods at that place until December of that year. Then he
sent his family to Leavenworth City, and he took a stock of goods down
into the Osage Nation, about fifteen miles south of Humboldt, Allen
County, Kansas. After the war had closed in 1865, he moved with
his family to Labette County, Kansas, and remained there until the
ninth day of June, 1875, and arrived in California June 14. He
spent a couple of weeks in Stanislaus County and with his
brother-in-law, near Hills Ferry, then came to Napa County, and July
29, 1875, he settled on his ranch of forty acres, about one mile west
of Calistoga, where he still resides surrounded by his family and
respected by all who know him. Mr. Collins was appointed in
August, 1879, to the office of Justice of the Peace, and the following
year was elected to the same position, which he now holds. He is
also a Notary Public, having been appointed by Governor Perkins in
February, 1880. Mr. Collins was twice married, first, December
12, 1850, to Miss Sarah O. Dickerman, who was born in Mount Holly,
Vermont, November 3, 1832, and died March 26, 1867. By this union
they have five children, Isaac W., born December 9, 1851, and died
March 19, 1853; Miriam H., born December 30, 1852; Samuel A., born
September 18, 1855; Nelson W., born January 29, 1862; Major C., born
February 20, 1866. Mr. Collins was married, secondly, in March,
1869, to Mrs. Mary A. Hawes, a native of Indiana, who was born November
2, 1831. By this union they have one daughter, Anna S., born
October 14, 1871.
Biography 2 (Memorial
Biographical History of Northern California, Illustrated, 1891):
HON. S. W.
COLLINS. -- In the following pages will be
found sketched briefly one of the most interesting and eventful
life-histories that it has ever been the good fortune of the writer to
hear related, and not alone a busy one either, but full as useful also,
many of the incidents being an intimate portion of the early pioneer
history of the old-time Western States.
Mr. Collins is a
Kentuckian by
birth, dating his nativity at a point
some two miles from Carlisle, Nicholas County, on June 13, 1829.
When a child of two and a half years the family removed to Green
County, Illinois, where his father took up a farm. His father's
name was John W. Collins, of Danish descent, born near Snow Hill,
Maryland, and raised in Baltimore. His mother was a Miss Piper,
of Irish descent, born and raised in Kentucky. For thirty years
Mr. Collins remained in Illinois, some of his brothers and sisters
still residing there. Mr. Collins was brought up to the life of a
farmer, and afterward started a store, carrying on a farm as
well. Living, as he did, on the margin of the Indian country, he
became thoroughly acquainted with the Indian life and character,
learned to speak their language thoroughly (the Osage), and came to
wield over them a great influence, -- an influence, let it be said,
that was always exerted for good. As a consequence he was much
employed by the Government in their dealings with the redskins,
especially during the war and later. For many years Mr. Collins
was post trader in the Neosho Valley in Kansas, and in all important
matters represented the United States Government as interpreter,
negotiating for the sale of lands, etc., etc. He assisted in
raising Colonel Phillips' Indian Regiment in 1861, and was one of the
most active and effective workers for the Union cause. In
connection with these times Mr. Collins has many soul-stirring
incidents to relate. Indeed, he is one of the most interesting
talkers whom it is possible to meet, possessing a good memory and rare
descriptive powers. He has also many momentos of early western
times and ways. Twice he was taken prisoner during his war
experiences, and has sustained and overcome a wound that would have
laid a man of lesser mettle. As is but proper under the
circumstances, he is an active and enthusiastic member of the Grand
Army and a stanch supporter of good government. He recollects
well the days when buffalo roamed over the plains by the million, and
has hunted and trapped when the Indians and a few hunters and trappers
were about all west of the Missouri. In 1875 Mr. Collins tired of
life on the Western plains changing so rapidly as it was with the
influx of population, accordingly he set his face westward and came to
the Pacific coast. Choosing Calistoga as his home, he purchased
fifty-five acres in the outskirts of town, and settled down to enjoy
the quiet so deserved after his long and busy years. He has laid
out a vineyard of twenty-five acres, has a small but choice orchard for
house use, and possesses a magnificent water privilege, having an
abundant spring 1,400 feet above the house, with a water-head of 400
feet as piped down. Five acres of his property he laid off as the
Calistoga cemetery, the cemetery of the town. Mr. Collins is one
of the incorporators of Calistoga, this useful move taking place in
1885. For two terms now Mr. Collins has been Supervisor of the
county from his district, six years in all. During the latter
term, he has been Chairman of the Board, and the most active and useful
member of the Board. Indeed, it is customarily said that he is
best Supervisor the county has ever had. For eight years he has
been Justice of the Peace for his township, from which circumstances he
acquires the honorable title of "Judge," by which he is generally
known. There is not a more popular man in the county than he, and
no one gifted with more energy and sound common sense on all
matters. He is a worker, and cannot help coming to the
front. He is too useful to his fellow-citizens to be let go by
Mr. Collins was
married in December, 1850, to Miss Sarah
E. Dickerman, a native of Mount Holly, Vermont. She died March
26, 1867, in Kansas, leaving the following children: Miriam H.
(now Mrs. Piper), born December 30, 1852, living near Lawrence,
Kansas. Samuel A., born September 18, 1855, living in Labette
County, Kansas. Nelson W., born January 29, 1862, now in business
in Calistoga. All the above were born in Illinois. Major
Clinton, born in Labette County, Kansas, February 20, 1866, the first
white child to be born in that county, now working on the
railroad. By the way, it should be stated that Judge Collins
helped organize Labette County, and gave it its name. He was
married, secondly, March 10, 1869, in Labette County, to Mrs. Mary A.
Howe, nee Conner, a native
of Miami County, Indiana. They have one daughter, Annie C., born
October 14, 1870, in Kansas. A singular circumstance in
connection with Judge Collins' family history is the following:
His mother died, leaving one daughter and three sons, the daughter
being the eldest. His first wife died, leaving also a daughter
and three sons, the daughter being again the eldest. His son
Samuel A. has also lost a wife, who left a daughter and three sons, the
daughter being again the eldest. Judge Collins is a member of
Governor Morton Post, No. 41, G.A.R., and also of the I.O.O.F., having
joined the latter order so long ago as October 10, 1850, when just of
age. He has held every honor conferrable by the order.
Obituary (St. Helena Star newspaper, 26
May 1893):
Death of S. W. Collins
We learned of the
death of Ex-Supervisor S. W. Collins at his home in Calistoga last
Thursday. He had been sick, we understand, for a long time and
his death was not unexpected.
Deceased was nearly 63 years of age at the time of his
death and has been a resident of the Upper Napa valley since 1995
[sic-1875]. Mr. Collins has held several positions of public
trust, the most important being that of Supervisor. During his
last term he officiated as chairman and took a great deal of interest
in all matters calculated to advance the interests of Napa county.
The funeral took place at 1 o'clock on Thursday, May 25th,
in Calistoga.
Notes: Native
of Nicholas County, Kentucky, born 13 June 1829. He was the son
of John W. Collins and Mariam Richardson Piper.
He married Sarah Olivia Dickerman, daughter of Nelson
Dickerman and Hannah Vaughn, in Greene County, IL, on 12 December
1850. To this union were born the following children:
Miriam Hannah Collins (b. 1852), a son (died as an infant 1853), Samuel
A. Collins (b. 1855), and Major Clinton Collins (b. 1866).
He moved to Girard, Macoupin County, Illinois, in 1859,
where he worked as a merchant until 1862. In the latter year, he
sold his interests in Illinois and moved to Mound City, Linn County, in
southeastern Kansas. In December of 1862, he moved his family to
Leavenworth, Kansas (presmumably for their safety), and began trading
south of Humboldt, Kansas, southwest of Mound City. It was while
Samuel Collins was trading in the vicinity of Mound City and Humboldt
that he was called upon to defend southeastern Kansas as a militiaman
in October 1864.
S. W. Collins was enumerated in the 1865 Kansas state
census, living in Mission Township (Humboldt Post Office), Neosho
County. He was listed as married, age 37, born in Kentucky,
occupation trader. His real estate was valued at $600, and his
personal estate also at $600. His household included his wife S.
C. Collins (age 34, native of VT), daughter M. H. Collins (age 13,
native of IL), son S. A. Collins (age 10, native of IL), and son S. W.
Collins (age 3, native of IL). Dickerman relatives (inlaws) lived
next door.
In 1865, Samuel moved with his family to Labette County,
Kansas, where they remained until June 1875.
S. W. Collins was enumerated in the 1875 Kansas state
census in Liberty Township (LaBette City Post Office), Labette
County. He was listed as age 46, born in Kentucky, previously
from Illinois, occupation farmer. His real estate was valued at
$100, and his personal estate at $80. His household included his
wife M. A. Collins (age 42, native of IN), son S. A. Collins (age 20,
native of IL), son "N. W." Collins (age 19, native of IL), son "N. C."
Collins (age 9, native of KS), and daughter A. S. Collins (age 4,
native of KS).
Samuel died 23 May 1893 in
Calistoga, and was buried in Section 1, Block W of Calistoga Pioneer
Cemetery on 25 May 1893. An obituary could not be found in the
newspaper, because no copies for the year 1893 are preserved. A
short obituary appeared in the St. Helena newspaper. He was the
founder of Calistoga's Pioneer Cemetery.
Military Information:
Union (activated militia). In the California state G.A.R. roster
of 1886,
Samuel Collins' service in the Civil War was noted as being in the
Kansas Infantry." The reference is to the 15th Kansas Militia
Infantry. This militia regiment (part of the Army
of the Border) was called into service to repel Major General Price's
Confederate Missouri campaign of 1864. Price's forces entered
Kansas on October 23, 1864, and camped at the Marais de Cygnes river,
just north of Mound City. They advanced on Mound City the
following morning. While Union forces engaged the Confederates
near the settlement of Trading Post, the defense of Mound City was
initially left to the 80 militiamen of the 15th Kansas Cavalry, and
three companies of militia, "negroes," and men exempted from regular
The regiment was called into service on October 9,
1864. It was present
at the Battle of Little Blue River and engaged the enemy at the Battle
of Westport on October 23, 1864. The regiment was disbanded on 29
October 1864.

15th Kansas Militia Infantry
(Army of the Border)
Rank: Private
Obituary (The Independent Calistogian
newspaper, 1 February 1888):
The death of N. B. Conner, recorded elsewhere, occurred
yesterday afternoon after sickness of five days' duration. The
funeral takes place from the residence of E. H. Cable, to-morrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Conner was a member of the G.A.R.
Post here, he having served three years in the army. He leaves a
wife, but no children. His mother is s[t]ill living here, and
also numerous other relatives.
Death Notice (The Independent Calistogian
newspaper, 1 February 1888):
CONNER. -- In Calistoga, Jan. 31st, N. B. Conner, a native of Miami
Co., Indiana, aged 44 years.
Notes: Native of
Miami County, Indiana. His full name was most likely Napoleon
Conner, also known as N. B. Conner in Calistoga.
He was a member on Calistoga's Gov. Morton Post, No. 41, G.A.R., but he
does not appear on the roster in 1886.
Napoleon appears in the 1850 census in Union Township,
Miami County, Indiana, in the household of his parents, William and
Amelia Conner. Napoleon was listed as age 6, born in Indiana,
attending school. He was the second youngest boy in the family of
nine children of William and Amelia. Napoleon was still living
with his parents in Union Township in 1860.
Napoleon appears in the 1880 census in Peru (4th Ward),
County, Indiana, in the household of his brother-in-law, Emanuel
Cable. Elizabeth Cable (Napoleon's older sister) was Emanuel's
wife, also in the household. Napoleon was listed as single, age
36, born in Indiana, occupation carriage trimmer.
The Cables moved to Calistoga in the 1880's (Emanuel
Hoover Cable was Calistoga's town marshall in the early 1890's).
It is possible that Napoleon Conner came with them when they
moved. Napoleon advertized his business as "Carriage Trimmer" in
the Indendendent Calistogian newspaper in 1886. He died on 31
January 1888 in Calistoga, and was buried in
Section 1, Block K, of Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery.
Military Information:
Union. He was one of sixteen recruits who joined the regiment
after it had formed. He enlisted as a Private on 21 September
1862, residence
Miami County, Indiana. Mustered into Company A, 20th Indiana
Infantry Regiment on 21 September 1862. Mustered out on 31 May
1865. He apparently also served in Company H of the same
regiment, according to the entry on the index card for his widow's
benefit. Rank in: Private. Rank out: Private.
His older brother, Newton
Conner, served in the same infantry regiment
as Napoleon in the Civil War. Napoleon enlisted about a year
after Newton.
His wife, Laurinda, applied for a widow's benefit under
the Civil War veterans' pension program in California on 13 October
Application no. 478049, certificate no. 410850.
Companies A & H
20th Indiana Infantry
1840 - 1925
Rank: Private
Biography (History of
Solano and Napa Counties, California, 1912):
The popular deputy assessor of Napa county was appointed
to his present position in the year 1905. Since then he has given
every satisfaction and is well liked by the people. In the early
days he served as roadmaster and tax collector of township No. 8 and
gave general satisfaction in the discharge of his duties. Mr.
Conner was born in Miami county, Ind., February 16, 1840, and was
brought up on a farm. He received very meagre educational
advantage, but reading and observation have made him a well-informed
man. In 1861 he enlisted in the service of his country, being
mustered into Company A, Twentieth Indiana Volunteer Regiment, attached
to the Army of the Potomac. Mr. Conner took part in all of the
battles in which his regiment engaged. The record of this
regiment was more men killed in active service than any other regiment
from Indiana, two hundred and one sacrificing their lives on the
battlefield. In the regiment were five hundred and seventy
wounded, twenty-five died in prison, eighty-eight died of disease and
one hundred and forty-four were captured, the total number of
casualties being ten hundred and twenty-eight out of an enrollment of
fourteen hundred and three. At the close of the war Mr. Conner
was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., going from there to Labette
county, Kansas, where for eight years he was engaged in farming with
varying success.
Coming to California in 1875, Mr. Conner made his way
direct to Calistoga, Napa county, where for five years he engaged in
raising hay and grain. Seeing a good opportunity to open a
butcher shop in Calistoga, he took advantage of it and carried on the
business for several years. Selling it out, he retired from
active business, but was not long allowed to enjoy his freedom, as he
received his appointment to the position of deputy assessor soon
afterward. At the time of the incorporation of Calistoga he was
elected the first city treasurer and held it for twelve years.
In 1867 Mr. Conner married Miss Caroline M. Gapen, a
native of Logansport, Ind., and the following children were born to
them: Charles W. G., of Calistoga; Beecher Barnum, a Methodist
minister at Willitts; Edward S., also of Willitts; and Frank H.,
engaged in the butcher business in Calistoga. Mr. Conner has held
many important offices that have brought him before the public and thus
he is quite a well-known resident of Napa county. For one year he
served as president of the Grand Army Veteran Association of Northern
California. In addition to being a member of the Grand Army he is
also a member of the Masons, Calistoga Lodge No. 233, having held the
position of tyler for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Conner are
charter members of Calistoga Chapter No. 189, Order of Eastern
Star. Politically he is a Republican, believing in the principles
that have stood as the bulwark of the nation for so long, and for the
preservation of which he fought.
Obituary (The Weekly Calistogian newspaper,
January 1925):
Newton Conner, who came here in July of 1875, and had
lived here for nearly half a century, died at his home in Calistoga
last Saturday morning at an early hour. Death was due to the
infirmities of his advanced years, after having been bed-ridden for the
past seven months.
Mr. Conner was born near Peru, Ind., February 16, 1840,
and had therefore reached the ripe old age of 84 years, 10 months and
25 days. He was the last member of a family of six brothers and
three sisters to pass away. With his family he came to California
in 1875, arriving at Banta station in the San Joaquin valley on June
11th, and in Calistoga on July 4th of that year. For more than
forty-four years he had been a resident of his present home on the
corner of Cedar and Berry streets. In his earlier years in this
valley he engaged in farming, living on the Evey and Finley places
north of town. For twenty years he was interested in the butcher
business, and for many years operated a stage line between Calistoga
and the Oathill mine, and had a mail and express contract. In
later years he served as Deputy Assessor in Calistoga.
The deceased grew to manhood in his native State of
Indiana, and on August 21, 1867, he was united in marriage to Mrs.
Caroline M. Fitzgerald, their married life continuing for more than
fifty-seven years. Of this union, there were five children born,
four of them growing to maturity.
In 1867, with his wife and step-daughter, he moved to
LaBette, Kansas, where they resided for eight years; from that State
they came to California.
In July, 1861, he entered the Civil War and enlisted in
Company A, 20th Indiana Regiment, where he served for more than four
years. He fought in the battle of Bull Run, the Wilderness,
Spottsylvania, Melvin Hill, Cold Harbor before Richmond, and in several
others that were of value in winning the war.
The flag, to him, was an emblem of great value and he held
it in the highest honor. He was a member of Governor Morton Post,
No. 41, G.A.R., and was bound to his comrades by that tie that only men
know who have sacrificed and suffered together.
For fifty years he belonged to the Masonic order and
throughout his life was a consistent member. He was the oldest
member of Calistoga Lodge, No. 233, F. and A. M. He was also a
faithful member of Calistoga Chapter, No. 189, O.E.S. He was an
honored citizen, always standing for the welfare and best interests of
the community.
He was a devoted husband and father, greatly interested in
planning for the welfare of his home
A daughter, Minnie, passed away in infancy. Mrs.
Delia Martin, his step-daughter, preceded him to the grave six years
ago. Of the immediate family there is left to mourn his passing,
his wife, Caroline M. Conner, four sons with their wives and families,
as follows: Charles W. G. Conner of Calistoga, Rev. Beecher B.
Conner of Ukiah, Edward S. Conner of San Francisco, Frank H. Conner of
Richmond; also a son-in-law, Oscar Martin of Isleton; five
grandchildren: Mrs. Etta Stott of Antioch, Marjorie, Dorothy,
Grace and Alice Conner. These, with the other members of their
families and many close friends of years' standing, have realized the
true value of his quiet life and close friendship.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon from the Masonic
hall in Calistoga under the auspices of Calistoga lodge of Masons, with
Past Master Martin Wolleson presiding. The funeral was very
largely attended, the hall being crowded. Interment was made in
the Calistoga cemetery.
Native of Indiana. He was described in the 1896 Great Register as
age 56, height 5 feet 8 inches, dark complexion, gray eyes, brown hair,
occupation mail carrier.
Newton Conner appears in the 1850 census in Union
Township, Miami County, Indiana, in the household of his parents,
William and Amelia Conner. He was listed as age 10, born in
Indiana, attending school. He was one of nine children in the
family, the others being: Gabriel (age 20), Mary (age 18), James
and Jasper (age 16), Elizabeth (age 12), Indiana (age 8), Napoleon B. (age 6), and John (age 3).
Newton was still living with his parents in Union Township in 1860,
listed as age 20 and a twin to Elizabeth. Newton married Caroline
M. Gapen Fitzgerald in Logansport, Cass County, Indiana,
on 21 August 21 1867. By 1870, the two of them were living in
Liberty Township, Labette County, Kansas, with Caroline's daughter by
her previous marriage, Delia Fitzgerald (age 7) and a domestic
servant. Newton was listed as a farmer with real estate valued at
$5,000. Caroline ("Carrie") was keeping house.
Newton and Caroline moved to California in 1875.
They appear in the 1880 census in Hot Springs Township (Calistoga) as
N. and Caroline Conner. Others in the household were Newton's
step-daughter Adelia (age 17), and natural children Charles (age 9),
Barnum (age 6), and Edward (age 1).
Military Information:
Union. Enlisted on 22 July 1861. Residence Miami County,
Indiana. Reenlisted in Company A, 20th Indiana Infantry Regiment
on 1 January 1864. Transferred on 18 October 1864 from Company A
to Company H of the 20th Indiana Infantry. Mustered out on 12
July 1865 in Louisville, Kentucky. Rank in: Private.
Rank out: Private.

Companies A & H
20th Indiana Infantry
John Sanford Failing
1845 - 1917
Rank: 5th Corporal
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper,
23 November 1917):
John Sanford Failing Passed Away
on Monday
John Sanford Failing passed away at the Veterans' Home
last Monday. He was a member of the 17th Wisconsin Regiment,
having joined the army at the age of 16.
The deceased was born near Syracuse, N.Y. He joined
the army at 16 and on November 21, 1869, he was married to Miss Clara
Lynn of Concord, Minn. They lived for a while in Minnesota and
Indiana, then came to California in about 1846. In 1881, he went
to Texas, where he was engaged in farming. In 1889 he returned to
California, and later he purchased a farm near Calistoga, on which they
were living fourteen years ago when his wife died.
For the past three years he has been making his home with
his daughter, Mrs. J. G. Finch here in Calistoga, and a short time
before his death was taken to the Veterans' Home for treatment.
The deceased leaves two daughters, Mrs. J. G. Finch of
Calistoga and Mrs. Retta A. Reynolds of Idria, and two sons, Alfred L.
Failing of Idria and Chester A. Failing of Tres Pinos. He was
aged 72 years, 8 months and 14 days.
The funeral was held from the Masonic hall under the
auspices of Calistoga lodge, No. 233, F. and A. M., of which he was a
member, and there was a large attendance. C. S. Brace furnished
the music.
The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved
Native of Syracuse, New York. His calculated date of birth was 5
March 1845.
went by the name Sanford in life. He
lived in Calistoga, Middletown, and Panoche, California, in his later
years. His wife died in Calistoga on 8 April 1903.
1880: In
Middletown, occupation steam engineer, wife Clara, age
35, b. NY., children: Burton, Mary J., Alfred L. (Alfred
was a carpenter at New Idria in 1920), Retta. 1910: In
Panoche Township, San Benito County, boarding in the household of his
son-in-law, James Finch, occupation electrician for the Idria
quicksilver mining company, age 64, widowed, b. NY. Finch was
superintendent at the New Idria mine in 1900 and 1910, and was later
superintendent of the Oat Hill mine near Middletown in 1920.
Most of Sanford Failing's family are buried next to him in
Calistoga Cemetery: Wife Clara A. Failing (d. 1903), daughter
Jennie M. Finch (1874-1945) and her husband James G. Finch (1862-1942),
son Alfred L. Failing (1875-1939), and daughter Retta A. Reynolds
John Sanford Failing died at the Yountville Veterans Home
on Monday, 19 November 1917, and was buried at Calistoga Pioneer
Cemetery. His grave is marked by a military headstone inscribed
as follows: SANFORD FAILING | CO. A | 17. WIS. V. INF.
Military Information:
Union. His obituary states that he enlisted at the age of 16,
which would place the year of enlistment around 1861. Sanford
Failing (alias Jeremiah Failing) enlisted (reenlisted?) 30 December
1863 as a Corporal and was mustered into Company A of the 17th
Wisconsin Infantry on the same date. His residence at the time of
enlistment was Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. He was wounded on 1 August
1864 at Atlanta,
Georgia (during the Siege of Atlanta). He was mustered out 14
July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
in: Private (prior to reenlistment?). Rank out: Fifth Corporal.
He applied for
and received a veteran's
disability pension on 16 March 1885 (Application no. 534944,
cert. no. 402920). Service on the pension death index card was
noted as Co. A, 17 Wis. Inf. The card also notes that he died at
the "Sol. Home Napa County" on 19 November 1917.

Company A
17th Wisconsin Infantry
Patrick Henry Flynn
1836 - 1919
Rank: Ordnance Mechanic
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper, 7 February 1919):
P. H. Flynn Died Wednesday at
the Veterans' Home
Patrick H. Flynn, who has been a resident of Calistoga for
about forty years, died at the Veterans' Home Hospital on Wednesday
afternoon, where he had been since the death of Mrs. Flynn, which took
place in December. His demise was due to his advanced years, he
being 82 years, 11 months and 5 days old at the time of his
death. He was a native of Ireland.
Mr. Flynn came to America from his native country when
only a boy and lived in New York and the southern States. He was
a veteran of the Civil War, having gone through the entire engagement
and experienced some pretty tough battles and hardships. He came
to California at the close of the war and lived for a few years in
Contra Costa county, then came to Napa county and settled on his
present homestead site east of town. Here he lived for almost
half a century, enjoying a wide acquaintance and a host of warm friends.
The deceased is survived by three children: Miss
Mamie Flynn, Thomas F. Flynn and John H. Flynn. The funeral will
be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 from the Catholic church, and
interment will be made in the Calistoga cemetery beside his wife, who
died less than two months ago.
The sympathy of the many friends go out to the bereaved
Patrick Henry Flynn
was a native of Ireland, born 9 March 1836, and described in adulthood
as 5 feet 7 1/2
inches in height, light complexion, hair brown, eyes blue/dark.
In his
early years, he went by the name Henry, but later in life, he referred
to himself by his full name, Patrick Henry, or "P. H." He
came with his
to America in 1842, arriving in New York on 11 February, according to
his own account. The family reportedly lived in
Binghamton, New York. His parents returned to Ireland within a
months of their arrival in America, took sick and died
there, leaving Patrick Henry an orphan. Flynn's history from that
time until he entered the military
service is not known. He joined the Regular Army in 1857, and was
assigned to Battery E of the 3rd U.S. Artillery regiment. This
unit was dispatched to Fort Ridgely, Nicollet County, Minnesota, in
the late 1850's to guard against Indian uprisings. There, he
appears as "Henry Flynn," a soldier, age 24,
in the Federal census of 1860. The census incorrectly lists his
birthplace as New York. With the outbreak of the Civil War,
Flynn's artillery regiment was called back to Washington, D.C., to
assist in the conflict.
Flynn was promoted to the position of Ordnance Mechanic in
June of 1861, and
served in that position until his tour of duty ended in 1862. His
responsibilities required that he be in close proximity to the cannon
in battle, and he suffered later health consequences as a result.
His right eardrum was permanently ruptured from the concussion of
cannon fire at the battle of Bull Run (July 1861). So severe was
the damage, that his ear bled from the injury, leaving a hole in the
tympanum "the size of a wheat straw." He also
reportedly suffered sun stroke while his regiment was on occupation
duty at
Arlington Heights, Virginia (May/June 1861). He claimed injury to
his eyes later in life as a result of this. Flynn also suffered
from varicose veins in his legs in his later years, which he attributed
to the long and uncomfortable rides seated on the chest of the limber
(munitions wagon). The 3rd U.S. Artillery was a "light" artillery
meaning that the artillerymen were mounted on horseback for rapid
deployment. Flynn
was apparently not mounted, so his means of transportation was aboard
the limber, as was customary. The limber chest often served as a
seat for up
to three artillerymen.
When his tour of duty ended in March of 1862, Flynn opted
to stay with the army as a civilian harness maker at the headquarters
of the Army of the Potomac through most of the remainder of that year
into the spring of 1863). He was paid $40 per
month, reporting first to Capt. George B. Dandy and later to Capt. John
B. Howard, both of whom held the position of Assistant Quartermaster
(A.Q.M.). Capt.
Dandy was formerly with the 3rd U.S. Artillery, which is probably how
Flynn got the job.
Flynn came to California in
September 1863, but shortly thereafter chose to move to Mexico.
He sojourned there two years, then returned to
California. He married Mary Cathrine Finney (daughter of Thomas
C. Finney) at Pacheco, Contra Costa
County, California, on 2 October 1865. The marriage produced
three children: Mary E. "Mamie" (b. 1866), Thomas F. (b. 1868),
and John Henry (b. 1879).
According to the 1882 Great Register of Voters (Napa County),
Flynn was naturalized in a county court in California on 8 April 1868.
In 1870, Flynn's wife, Mary (age 28), was
living near Martinez, in Contra Costa County, under the household of
Thomas and Mary Finney (her parents). The children, Mary (age 4)
and Thomas (age 1), were also in the household. Patrick Henry
Flynn was not listed there. He may have been working in the
area, where a "P. H. Flynn" appears in the 1870 census as a farmer,
native of Ireland, age 34. According to his wife's obituary, the
family came to
Calistoga from Contra Costa County in 1877, settling on homestead lands
on what is now the Oat Hill Road, northeast of
Calistoga. Their cabin was located near the southwestern corner
of a homestead Flynn patented in 1892. He also patented 160 acres
immediately to the south in 1888. His daughter, Mary "Mamie"
Flynn, patented a homestead to the west, allowing the Flynn family to
control almost all of section 30 (Township 9 North, Range 6 West,
MDBM). Remnants of the cabin foundation, which burned in the
1940's, are
still visible. The land later became known as the Calistoga
Palisades parcel (525 acres), which was ultimately annexed to the
Robert Louis Stevenson State Historic Park through a land transfer by
the Land Trust of Napa County.
In 1880, Flynn was enumerated as "P. H.
Flinn" in Calistoga, living on his ranch on the Oat Hill Road (then
known as the Calistoga and Knoxville Road). He was listed as a
farmer, native of Ireland, age 44. Included in the household were
his wife Mary (age 37, a native of Virginia), daughter Mary E. (age
14), son Thomas (age 11), and son Henry (age 3 months). His
principle occupation in the early 1880's was sheep herding on his
homestead (noted in the 1882 Great Register of Voters). In the
1900 census, Flynn and his family were still on their homestead on the
Oat Hill Road. He was listed as "Patrick H. Flynn," born March
1836 in Ireland, immigrated 1842, occupation farmer. His
household included his wife Mary C. (born Nov. 1842 in Mississippi),
and son John H. (born Nov. 1879 in California). In 1910, Flynn
was still on his ranch on the Oat Hill Road, listed as "Patrick H.
Flynn," widower, age 74, born in Ireland, occupation farmer. His
household included his daughter Mamie C. Flynn (age 44) and son Henry
J. Flynn (age 30). Strangely, Flynn was not a widower in 1910.
Flynn's wife, Mary Cathrine, died of pneumonia in
December of 1918. The same week that his wife died, Patrick Henry
suffered a stroke, which left him partially paralyzed. Shortly
thereafter, he checked into the hospital at the Veterans Home in
Yountville. He died there about five weeks later (5 February
1919). He is buried in Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery alongside his
His daughter, Mamie (Mary E.) Flynn, was an acquaintance
of my grandparents, George and Altha Enderlin. She would walk
down to the valley to visit
them, collecting water and produce while there. The Flynn cabin
was a short distance east of the Oat Hill Road, on a knoll overlooking
the Napa Valley. They were a poor family. How they survived
on their hillside homestead has always been a bit of a mystery.
Patrick Henry Flynn caught the mining fever in the 1880's and excavated
least one tunnel -- about 90 feet in length -- on his property
what is now the Oat Hill Road. The portal is now collapsed, but
can still be
seen alongside the trail. He was exploring for gold, silver,
quicksilver, copper, etc., but had no experience in mining or
prospecting. He would frequently bring specimens to town to show
the local newspaper editor, and was always enthusiastic about his finds.
Military Information:
"Old War" (pre-Civil War), later Union. The inscription on his
military headstone indicates that
he served in Battery E of the 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (a.k.a.,
152nd Pennsylvania Volunteers). I can find no evidence that Flynn
served in this regiment, and the records that I have strongly support
the notion that his headstone inscription is in error. He was,
instead, a Regular Army man whose service record predates the onset of
the Civil War. He enlisted as a Private in the Regular Army at
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 4 March 1857, and was assigned to
Battery E of the 3rd U.S. Light Artillery. The regiment was dispatched
to various locations around the country, with Battery E sent to
garrison duty at Fort Ridgely, Minnesota. Henry Flynn appears
there in the 1860 census. He was appointed Ordnance Mechanic on
30 June
He was honorably discharged at Port Royal (Hilton Head),
Carolina, on 4
March 1862 on expiration of his service. He continued to serve as
civilian saddler/harness maker at $40 per month at the Headquarters of
the Army of the Potomac from 17 April 1862 to 30 September
1862, possibly continuing in some capacity as a civilian contractor
until the spring of 1863.
Rank in: Private. Rank out: Ordnance
"Henry Flynn" applied for
disability pension on 1 September 1890: Application no. 935814,
certificate no. 663746 (California) His service on the index card
was listed as Battery E, 3rd U.S. Artillery; Battery Ordnance
Mechanic; also noted as serving in the "Old War" (pre-1861 regular army

Battery E
3rd U.S. Light Artillery
(Regular Army)
Isaac Ford
1847 - 1928
Rank: 1st Cabin Boy
Obituary (The Weekly Calistogan newspaper, Friday, 13
July 1928, p.1, col. 4):
A Chef by
Vocation, Served in The United States Navy In the Civil War
On Wednesday afternoon at the funeral parlor of M. M. Moran, final
tribute was paid by friends, neighbors and relatives, to the late Henry
Isaac Ford, who passed away at his home on Washington street here, on
Monday night last. The funeral services at the chapel and at the
Calistoga cemetery were conducted by Rev. B. B. Conner, pastor of the
Fruitvale Methodist church, who is here on his vacation.
The music was rendered by F. L. Grauss, Rev. B. B. Conner and I. B.
McMahill, with Mrs. F. L. Grauss as the piano. The pall bearers
were M. T. Trutta, C. W. Crouch, Leo Pick, Earl Houston, Homer C. Hurst
and I. B. McMahill. The casket was flag-draped, as well as
embowered in floral tributes, for the deceased had served his country
during the Civil War as a member of the United States Navy.
Henry Isaac Ford was a native of Connecticut, born at Norwich, March 13,
1847. He grew to manhood in his native State and in July of 1862,
he enlisted in the navy, serving on the Sabine, the North Carolina, and
the Houghton up to July, 1863. In August, 1863, he re-enlisted and
served until October, 1864. In the latter part of 1864 Mr. Ford
came to California, and in San Francisco, Oakland and the bay region, he
made his home until he came to Calistoga nine years ago.
Twenty-five years ago he was united in marriage with Dolly Silva of
Oakland, and of this union, one son was born, Henry I. Ford, Jr., now a
rising young artist of San Francisco.
Henry I. Ford was a man of pleasing personality and well liked by all
who knew him. In his profession, he ranked high and held very
excellent positions. For the past four years he had been ill
almost continuously. The sympathy of the community is extended
heartfully to his widow and son.
Native of Norwich,
Connecticut, born 13 March 1847. He came to California in late
1864, and was a professional cook. In 1898 Henry was registered as
a voter in San Francisco, living at 922 Battery Street, occupation
cook. In 1920, he and his wife, Dorothy "Dolly," were
living in San Francisco, where Henry was listed as a cook at a summer
resort. He was probably spending part of his time in Calistoga at
the time, as his obituary suggests the Fords moved to Calistoga about
1919. Dorothy was working as a waitress in 1920.
Henry died on 9 July 1928, and was buried in Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery
in Section 3, Block P, Plot 4.
Military Information:
Union. Enlisted July 1862. According to his obituary, he served on the
USS Sabine, the USS North
Carolina, and the USS A. Houghton until July 1863. In August
1863, he re-enlisted and served until October 1864. The USS Sabine
was a sailing vessel, armed with forty-four 50-pounder cannons.
Her crew compliment was 400. During the Civil War, she was
assigned to the Atlantic blockading fleet.
The USS A. Houghton was a sailing bark, armed with two 32-pounder
guns. She served in the early years of the war as an ammunition
ship, supporting the Union fleet. Beginning in March 1863, she was
assigned to the Atlantic blockading squadron, first as a supply vessel
and later as a health ship.
The USS North Carolina was older sail ship that served as a
training vessel (receiving ship) during the Civil War. She was
docked in the New York Navy Yard.
Ford appears on naval
rendezvous reports as follows:
1862, July
19: At New London, CT. Record of service: USS Houghton.
Discharged 16 July 1863.
1862, July
19. Frigate USS Sabine (at New London, CT). Enlisted
17 July 1862 for a term of 1 year. Rating 2.C.B. (2nd Cabin
Boy). No previous naval experience. Born in New London, CT,
age 15, occupation none, eyes blue, hair light, complexion light, height
5'-1". 1863,
August 29. USS Sabine (at New London, CT). Record of
service: Niagara, State of George, Ohio. 1863,
August 31. USS Sabine (at New London, CT). Enlisted
15 August 1863 for a term of 1 year. Rating 1.C.B. (1st Cabin
Boy). One year of previous naval service. Born in Norwich,
CT, age 16, citizen of CT, occupation none, eyes gray, hair flaxen,
complexion light freckled, height 5'2-1/2", distinguishing marks
Top of Page

U S S Sabine
A. Houghton
US Navy |
1833 - 1904
Rank: Corporal
Obituary (The Weekly Calistogian newspaper,
February 1904):
Henry H. Garrett, an old-timer and a veteran of the civil
war, died at his home in town last night at 7:40 o'clock. He had
been ill for several months past, and had been confined to his home for
over a month. Death was due to general debility. He was
born in Beamisville, Penn., on October 8, 1833, and was therefore past
the three score and ten. Mr. Garrett came to California in the
early fifties and settled in Napa valley in 1858, and had resided in
and around Calistoga ever since. He leaves a wife and five grown
children, namely: F. E. and E. L. Garrett, Mrs. Frank Petross,
Mrs. G. D. Gibbs and Miss Eva Garrett. The funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence on Main
street, and the remains will be laid away in the Calistoga cemetery.
Native of Pennsylvania.
He was described in the 1898 Great
Register as age 60, height 5 feet 8 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes,
brown hair, occupation teamster, native of New York. Some sources
indicate he was a native of
New York. He appears in Calistoga in the 1880 census, listed as
"H. Garrett," age 38, born in New York, occupation laborer. His
family in 1880 included his wife, Sarah (age 24), sons Franklin (age 9)
and Edward (age 7), and daughters Hattie (age 4) and Retta (age
1). His brothers-in-law, Abner and Charles Lee, were also listed
in his household in 1880.
In the 1900 census, he is listed as "Henry Garett," born
October 1843 in New York, married 32 years, occupation day
laborer. His household in 1900 included his wife, Sarah (born
August 1853), son Frank (born December 1870), daughter Eva (born March
1884), and daughter Retta (born July 1879) with her husband George
Gibbs, and children Ruth and Loleeta Gibbs.
Henry Garrett died on 18 February 1904, and was buried in
the GAR Plot at Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery. His military
headstone is inscribed as follows: HENRY H. GARRETT | CO. H. | 4
According to published genealogies, his wife was Sarah E.
Nance, born 26 August 1853 in Missouri, died 18 June 1906 in Calistoga.
Military Information:
Union. He enlisted as a Corporal on 14 October 1861 at
California, and was mustered into Company H of the 4th California
Infantry Regiment on 1 November
1861. He was discharged on 15 October 1864 at Drum Barracks,
(term of service expired).
According to the California State Military Museum, Company
H was at Camp Sigel (near Auburn) until January of 1862. They
moved from there to Camp Union, Sacramento, and from there to San
Francisco on April 28th of that year. They next saw duty at Camp
Latham and Camp Drum until March of 1863. They were next ordered
to Fort Yuma, and were stationed there until January 1864. In
July, 1864, they moved to San Luis Obispo, then returned to Drum
Barracks, where they were stationed until being mustered out in April
of 1866.
Henry H. Garrett applied for and received a veteran's
disability pension on 11 April 1892 (application no. 1102442, cert. no.
1047143). His wife received a widow's benefit (application no.
803772, cert. no. 577073). Service on the pension death index
card was noted as Co. H, 4 Cal. Inf.

Company H
4th California Infantry
Charles Edward Jennings
Rank: Unknown
Obituary (The Independent Calistogian
newspaper, 27 February 1889):
Sudden Death.
Chas. E. Jennings,
while plowing in George Lang's vineyard in town Friday afternoon last,
fell and almost immediately expired. A man and a boy also plowing
in the vineyard, were witnesses to his sudden death. Being a case
in which the attendance of a Coroner was necessary, Mr. Lawrence was
telegraphed for, and after his arrival on the evening train, a jury was
summoned and an inquest held in Town Hall. Autopsy of the body
was omitted. After due consideration of the facts elicited, the
following verdict was rendered:
We the jury summoned to inquire into the cause of the
death of the man found in Lang's vineyard, do find that the deceased's
name was Jennings, a native of New York, aged 46 years, and that he
came to his death from natural causes.
The verdict bore names of the jurors, as follows: W.
L. Taylor, foreman, Wm. Cole, W. E. Stratton, W. H. Wale, T. C. Brown,
H. E. Boynton, J. M. Johnston, J. H. Coulter.
The funeral took place Sunday afternoon, Rev. Hemphill
conducting services, and the remains were buried in Calistoga Cemetery.
The cause of Jenning's death was undoubtedly heart
disease, of which his wife says he had long complained. By his
death a widow and five children are left in very destitute
circumstances. The oldest of the children is a girl aged 14
years, and the youngest a boy two years of age. Mrs. Jennings is
a native of Tennessee, where she married her husband, and they came to
California twelve years ago. Jennings was well educated, was in
the war, was wounded at Lookout Mountain and after the close of the
Rebellion remained South for some time. The father of the
deceased is eighty or ninety years of age, and a resident of New York
city. Mrs. Jennings' parents are still living in Tennessee but
are unable to send her money. They however desire her to return
there with her children, and she is very anxious to go. Her
father-in-law in New York has been informed of the family's needs and
her desire, and it is believed that he will forward funds for her and
the children to go to Tennessee.
Notes: Native of New
York City, born 4 July 1844. His father was probably William P.
Jennings, who was a book binder in New York City. The father
appears in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 censuses in New York City. In
1880, he had moved to Linden, New Jersey.
Charles was living in Humboldt, Gibson County, Tennessee,
in 1871. He enlisted in the U.S. Army there in October of that
year, and was assigned to Company D of the 16th Infantry.
Charles met Martha Jane Warmath (b. 3 Sept. 1856),
daughter of Micajah
"Mike" Washington
Warmath and Martha Eudaly/Eudaley, around the year 1873 (while he was
in the
service). He married
her in Humboldt, Gibson County, Tennessee, on 14
May 1874 (license issued 13 May). The minister was W. T. Bennett
(Baptist). Martha was made a laundress in Company D, and
travelled with the outfit with her husband on his assignments.
Their first child, Ollie E. Jennings, was born in
Tennessee (presumably Humboldt) in April 1875. The family
transferred to Nashville in June 1876.
Charles re-enlisted at Nashville in October 1876, and was
assigned to Company F of the 2nd U.S. Infantry. The company was
assigned to duty in the Indian Wars at Lewiston, Idaho, and later
garrisoned at Fort Lapwai, Idaho. A son, Charles Edward Jennings
(Jr.), was born in Idaho on 5 September 1877.
After being discharged in November 1878 at Fort Walla
Walla (Washington Territory), Jennings took his family to Pendleton,
Oregon, where he worked as a book keeper in a law office. Their
third child, Mary
"Mattie" J. Jennings was born there in February of that year.
The family was
enumerated in the 1880 census in Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
(Enumeration District 112), where Charles was listed as married, age
40, born in New York, father born in Massachusetts, mother born in
Pennsylvania, occupation clerk. His household included his wife
Martha J. (age 25, born in TN), daughter Ollie E. (age 6, born in TN),
son Charles E. (age 3, born in ID), and daughter Mary J. (born February
1880 in Oregon).
The family next moved to Portland, Oregon, where Charles
kept books for another law office for a short time. They then
moved to San
Francisco, where they briefly resided (possibly at the Presidio).
In August 1882,
they had relocated to Benicia, where Charles enlisted at the Benicia
Arsenal. He worked for one winter in the powder works (Ordnance
Detachment) at the arsenal, but reportedly didn't like the work.
He deserted as a Private 2nd Class in March 1883. According to
Charles' brother-in-law,
William Burge, the family then moved to Calistoga, where Charles worked
as a day laborer, unloading train cars, etc.
son, Stephen
Grover (aka, "Grover Cleveland") Jennings, was born at Calistoga on 24
February 1887 (Source: Independent
Calistogian, 2 March 1887). By
1889, the number of children in the family had grown to five.
Charles Jennings died 22 February 1889 in Lang's vineyard
north of the Brannan Stable) in Calistoga at the age of
46. The suddenness of his death resulted in the convening of an
inquest to determine the nature of his demise. It was determined
in Charles
Jennings' inquest
that he died of natural causes. His obituary states that he was
buried at Calistoga Cemetery on
Sunday, 24 February 1889. There is no marker indicating the
location of his grave, and the name, Jennings, does not appear on the
original Calistoga cemetery map. The family was destitute, so it
is possible he was buried in an unmarked grave. The widow was
eventually able to return to her family in Tennessee. The
particulars of her return were given in an article in The Independent
Calistogian newspaper of 17 April 1889, transcribed below:
"To-morrow has been set for the
departure of Mrs. Jennings and her five children for Tennessee.
Her husband died while plowing a few weeks ago, it will be remembered,
and she was left in destitute circumstances. Something had to be
done for her benefit, and, as her parents are anxious for her to return
home, arrangements have been made for her to go. Contrary to
Jennings's oft-repeated statement, his father in New York is a poor man
working for monthly wages. The best he could do for Mrs. Jennings
was to send her $50; this, together with $100 given by the county for
the purpose, and a sum raised in Calistoga by subscription, will send
her to a point where she will be met by relatives. Supervisor
Collins will accompany her to San Francisco, purchase the necessary
tickets, and see that the family start eastward in a proper manner."
J. Jennings returned to her hometown of Dyersburg, Dyer
County, Tennessee, in 1889, and remained there until about 1900, when
she moved to
Friendship, Tennessee. She appears in the 1900 census in
District 12 (in the vicinity of
the town of Friendship), Crockett County,
Tennessee. Martha was listed as a widow, born September 1854 in
Tennessee (parents both born in Tennessee). She was head of a
rented house, and was noted as the mother of six children, five still
living. Her household included her daughter, Mattie (born January
1880 in Oregon), son Stephen G. (born February 1887 in California), and
son William W. (born September 1889 in Tennessee). The census
indicates that the birthplace of the children's father was New
York. All of the above information is consistent with what is
known about the family of Charles Jennings. The age of the
youngest son indicates that Martha was pregnant when Charles died in
February 1889.
Although not enumerated in Crockett County in 1910, Martha
Jennings -- still a widow -- appears in Civil District 12 of that
county in the 1920 census. She was living in the household of her
son-in-law, Frank Curtis (William F. Curtis, b. June 1863).
Martha's daughter
was Ollie Curtis,
born April 1875 in Tennessee. Ollie (Ollive?) was probably the
oldest daughter described as age 14 in Charles
Jennings' 1889 obituary. An Ollie Jennings appears in the
November 1888 school report in the 5th Grade in Calistoga. This
is no doubt the same person.
About 1926, Martha moved to Blytheville, Arkansas, and in
November 1927 she moved back to California, settling into the home of
her son, S. Grover (aka, Grover Cleveland) Jennings, in San
Diego. In 1930, she was still living at her son's address (2236 L
Street in San Diego) when she applied for a military widow's pension
benefit. Martha died of apoplexy at the home of her daughter,
Mary J. "Mattie" (Jennings) Murdaugh, in Blytheville, Chickasawba
Township, Arkansas, on 26 February 1936, and was buried in North Sawba
Cemetery (Chickasawba Twp.) the following day.
A few more notes on Martha Jane Warmath Jennings:
Martha J. Warmath (shown as M. J. Warmoth on the county
record) was married to Charles E. Jennings in Gibson County, Tennessee,
by W. T. Bennett (Baptist minister) on 14 May 1874. The marriage
license was issue on 13 May in Gibson County. A review of census
records indicates that Martha J. was the daughter of Micajah Washington
Warmath and Martha Eudaly/Eudaley. The family was enumerated in
Civil District 3 (Humboldt Post Office), Gibson County, in the 1870
census. The father (listed in the censuses only by his initials,
M. W.) was a carpenter, age 44, born in Tennessee. The mother was
also age 44, also orn in Tennessee. The family was a large
one. Aside from Martha J. (listed as age 14), there was Lucy A.
(age 16, listed as deaf and dumb), Washington (age 12), Henry T. (age
9), Eliza A. (age 8), Sarah A. (age 6), and Polley (age 3).
Martha appears as "M. Warmath" in the 1860 census, listed as age 5,
living in her parents' household in District 1 (Dyersburg Post Office),
Dyer County, Tennessee.
The parents (M. W. and Martha Warmath) were enumerated in
the 1880 census in Friendship (Enumeration District 9), Crockett
County, Tennessee, along with other members of their family. They
were probably still in the vicinity of Friendship when Martha made her
move back to Tennessee in 1889.
Military Information:
Charles E. Jennings was reportedly a Civil War veteran, wounded at the
Battle of
Mountain (Chattanooga, Tennessee, 24 November 1863). This is all
that is known of his Civil War service record thus far. The
G.A.R. did not
assist with the funeral or burial, which is unusual given the
circumstances. This raises the possibility that
Jennings was a Confederate veteran or was dishonorably discharged from
Federal service. More research is necessary.
Charles E. Jennings' post-war military service is
known. He
enlisted on 9 October 1871 at Humboldt, Tennessee, in the U.S. Army,
and was assigned to Company D of the 16th Infantry as a Private.
He was described at the time of enlistment as age 25, born in New York
City, occupation book keeper, eyes brown, hair light, complexion dark,
height 5' 6". He was discharged as a Private on 9 October 1876 at
Nashville, Tennessee, on expiration of his term of service.
On 14 October 1876, Charles E. Jennings re-enlisted in the
U.S. Army. He was described as age 30 1/2, native of New York
(City), occupation clerk & soldier, eyes brown, hair light,
complexion dark, height 6' 6". He was assigned to Company F of
the 2nd U.S. Infantry (noted as 2nd enlistment). He was
discharged as a Corporal at Fort Walla Walla, Washington Territory, on
24 November 1878 per General Orders.
On 23 August 1882, Charles E. Jennings re-enlisted (noted
as his 3rd enlistment) at Benicia Arsenal, California. He was
note as being a clerk, age 26, native of New York (City), eyes brown,
hair brown, complexion dark, height 5' 6". He served in the
Benicia Arsenal Ordnance Detachment. The record indicates he
deserted as a Private on 4 March 1883.
Charles' wife, Martha, applied for a military pension
benefit as his widow on 16 September 1929, but was denied. The
application number was 1650922.

The family of Charles E. Jennings after their return to
Tennessee (c. 1890).
L to R: Charles E. II, Ollie E., Martha J. holding William W.,
Mattie (standing), and Stephen Grover. Photo contributed by the
Family in appreciation to Calistoga, the Napa County Sheriff-Coroner
preserving the Jennings inquest file), and to Dean Enderlin.
War Service
Post War Service:

Company D
16th U.S. Infantry

Company F
2nd U.S. Infantry

Ordnance Dept., Benicia Arsenal
1842 - 1915
Rank: Private
Biography (History of
Solano and Napa Counties, California, 1912):
Soon after the birth of Charles W. Lane, which occurred in
New York state in 1842, the family moved to Wisconsin and later resided
in Minnesota. On the outbreak of hostilities in 1861 Mr. Lane
enlisted in the Second Minnesota Infantry under Colonel George and
later commanded by Colonel Bishop. This company was attached to
the brigade under General Thomas. Mr. Lane took part in thirteen
engagements, in all of which he distinguished himself by his
bravery. At the famous battle of Mission Ridge he was one of the
first men over the Ridge. Twice wounded, once in the ribs and
once in the shoulder, he was sent to Nashville, Tenn., to get well, and
on his way back to join his regiment was nearly captured by the rebel
army. After three years of valiant service he was mustered out at
Nashville, Tenn., June 24, 1864. Returning to Minnesota, he
remained there several years and then, in 1867, came to California, and
settled on a dairy and fruit ranch in Petaluma, Sonoma county.
There he worked successfully until he removed in 1870 to Calistoga,
Napa county, where he worked on the Gibbs' ranch for nine years and
spent five years in the employ of E. Light. On leaving that
employ he bought his present place of twelve acres, called Loma Vista,
on the hillside near Calistoga, four acres in prunes and balance in
In 1866 Mr. Lane married Miss Phoebe A. Page, and to them
the following children were born: Grace, now the wife of George
Lincoln of Calistoga; Carl A., now of Santa Rosa; Fred, residing in
Nome, Alaska; Frank, of Fresno; Edward, of Plumas county; and Madge,
the wife of Edward Riley. Leslie, Page and Harry are
deceased. Mr. Lane is a member of Gov. Norton [sic -- Morton]
Post, No. 41
G.A.R. of Calistoga.
Obituary (The Mail of
Woodland newspaper, 22
September 1915, research courtesy Kirby Morgan, SUVCW):
Following an illness of several weeks, Charles W.
Lane was found dead in his bed in the home of his son, Frank C. Lane,
on the Fair ranch yesterday morning. Deceased was a native of
Minnesota and 73 years of age.
Surviving children besides Frank C. Lane are Carl A. of
Santa Rosa, Fred of Washington state, and Edward Lane of Portola, and
Mrs. Madge Riley of Santa Cruz, and Mrs. Grace Lincoln of Calistoga.
Deceased was a member of Calistoga lodge No. 241,
I.O.O.F., and also of the G.A.R. post of that town. The funeral
will be held in Calistoga Thursday afternoon under the combined
auspices of these two organizations.
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper,
24 September 1915):
Well-Known Calistoga Pioneer Died at Knights Landing
Charles W. Lane, a well-known Calistoga pioneer and
highly-respected citizen, died on Tuesday morning at the home of his
son, Frank C. Lane, in Knights Landing, Yolo county, after an illness
of several days' duration due to paralysis.
Mr. Lane had been making his home with his son, Frank and
family, nearly ever since Mrs. Lane passed away several years ago.
Charles White Lane was born in New York State and went to
Rochester, Minn., with his parents when a small boy. At the age
of 19 years he enlisted in Company B., Second Minnesota Infantry, and
served through the Civil War. He was wounded twice, but not
seriously, and preferred marching on with his comrades instead of going
to the hospital. He served under General Thomas and at the famous
Mission Ridge battle carried the flag and was the first of his company
to reach the top of the hill. The mayor of Rochester offered a
town lot to the soldier returning with the best record and the lot was
won by Mr. Lane.
Shortly after the close of the war he was married to Miss
Phoebe A. Page of Ripon, Wis. They came to California in 1876 and
located on a dairy near Petaluma, and in the fall of that year came to
Calistoga to make their home. In 1882 they bought the well-known
Lane place above town when it was a barren hillside and made it what it
is today. There they continued to live and raised a large
family. There were nine children in all, six of whom are living,
namely: Mrs. G. F. Lincoln, Carlton A., Fred E., Frank C. and
Edward L. Lane and Mrs. E. H. Riley.
The deceased was aged 73 years, 6 months and 17 days, and
was a member of Calistoga Lodge, No. 227, I.O.O.F., and Governor Morton
Post, No. 40 [sic - 41], G.A.R.
The remains were brought here and the funeral was held
from the Odd Fellows' Hall yesterday morning under the auspices of that
organization and the services were largely attended by old friends and
acquaintances. Interment was made in Calistoga Cemetery beside
his wife, who passed away three years ago.
Bravely he fought in the
Charging ahead of the rest.
Though wounded and sore, never murmuring,
But gave for his Country his best.
After the grim war was ended,
Putting his hand to the plow,
Life's battle he fought with a vigor,
And won by the sweat of his brow.
Lived he and worked for his family,
With the wife of his youth by his side;
Never despaired he nor faltered,
Until his beloved wife died.
Now he is resting beside her,
Ne'er to be parted again.
And though we will miss him so sadly,
We know that our loss is
his gain.
"Chas." Lane (age 18, born in NY) was enumerated in the 1860 census in
Fair Haven, Olmsted County, MN, under the household of his father,
Carlton Lane. He was still attending school. Charles (age
27), his wife Phebe (age 26), and daughter Grace (age 1) appear in the
1870 census in Farmington Township (Rochester P.O.), Olmsted County,
MN. Charles was listed as a farmer, born in New York, personal
estate valued at $350. Charles appears in the 1880 census in Hot
Springs Township (Calistoga area), Napa County, CA. He was listed
as a laborer on a farm, age 38, born in New York. His household
included his wife "Febe A." (age 36), daughter Grace (age 11), son
Carlton (age 9), son Harry (age 8), son Page (age 6), son "Fred'k" (age
4), and son Frank (age 1 month). Charles' father, Carlton Lane
(age 72), was living nearby.
He was described in the 1896 Great Register as age 54,
height 5 feet 7 inches, light complexion, blue eyes, brown hair,
occupation farmer.
According to I.C. "Burt" Adams, Charles and his family
lived for a time
in the Hot Springs Hotel, located on the Springs Grounds in
Calistoga. He
later purchased and lived on a property on the east side of what is now
State Highway 29,
north of Calistoga.
In later years (1920's and 1930's), my
grandparents and
grandaunt lived on the opposite side of the highway on a subdivided
portion of the Gibbs ranch. The Lane property was owned by Axel
Wetterburg at the time. Axel eventually passed it to his niece,
Anna McDonald (another good friend of our family).
Families in the Calistoga area that are related to the
Lanes include the following surnames: Cordy, Jones, Lincoln,
LeStrange, Trebotich, and Radelfinger.
Military Information:
Union. Enlisted 26 June 1861 at age 19. Assigned to Company
B, 2nd Minnesota Infantry Regiment on 26 Jun 1861. Discharged
from Company B, 2nd Minnesota Infantry Regiment on 25 Jun 1864.
Applied for veteran's disability pension on 9 May
1892: Application no. 1110264, certificate no. 880815
(California). Name listed as "Charles W. Lane," service "B 2
Minn. Inf."
Company B
2nd Minnesota Infantry
Andrew Bradley Mangis
1846 - 1928
Rank: Private
Biography (History of
Solano and Napa Counties, California, 1912):
The birth of
Andrew B. Mangis
occurred in Monroe county, Tenn., in 1846, he being the son of parents
who had resided in that state for some time. Four years after the
birth of the son the family removed to Hamilton county, Ill., where the
boy grew to young manhood, in the meantime receiving an education in
the common schools of the time and place. When fifteen years old
he enlisted in the army under Colonel Grierson, being a member of
Company, D, Sixth Illinois Cavalry, which was attached to the army of
the Tennessee. The regiment patrolled the Ohio and Missouri
and was also a factor in the famous Grierson raid from Tennessee to
Baton Rouge. At the battle of Holly Springs, Miss., the
lieutenant of the company was killed and Mr. Mangis was tendered the
commission by the company, but he refused it. He engaged in many
skirmishes along the rivers mentioned, being wounded at la Grange,
Tenn., in 1863, and was mustered out at Memphis. From there he
went to Indianapolis, Ind., where he attended school, and later on he
taught school in that state and also in Illinois for eight years.
Removing to Junction City, he taught school for one year and then
engaged in farming and stock-raising, later proving up on a homestead
and tree claim and making his home there for fifteen years.
It was in 1888 that Mr. Mangis came to California and
settled in Napa county near Calistoga, which has been his home ever
since. Here he has ninety-three acres on hillside land in orchard
and vineyard. Being in the thermal belt and above the frost line
he has no fear of loss of crops by frost. Here he raises oranges
and lemons, apricots, silver and French prunes, peaches, apples, plums,
figs and walnuts, besides having twenty acres in grapes. Tomato
vines grow the year round. Two hundred different varieties of
fruit are represented on his place, and his exhibit has received the
first prize. When Mr. and Mrs. Mangis located on this place most
of the land was covered with timber and brush. Now it is a
veritable garden spot and one of the most productive ranches in the
whole district.
Mr. Mangis was married in Wayne county, Ill., in 1870, to
Miss Eliza Anderson, daughter of Col. J. J. Anderson, who commanded the
Eighteenth Illinois Infantry during the Civil war. To Mr. and
Mrs. Mangis the following children were born: William J., who
married Mary Wilson, and has one daughter, Dorothy; Augustus O., who
married Hattie Turner, and has one son, Augustus; Fleta P., who is
assistant secretary of the Oroville Chamber of Commerce; and Bert. of
Willows, Cal. May died at the age of twenty-two, and Nora, Mrs.
Abner Burke, died leaving one daughter, Winifred, who is being reared
and educated by her grandparents. Mr. Mangis is a member of
Governor Morton Post No. 41, G.A.R., of Calistoga, of which he is past
commander. Mrs. Mangis is a member of the Woman's Relief Corps.
Biography (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper,
20 May 1927):
A. B. Mangis the Only One Left of Original Seventy-five of Calistoga's
A. B. Mangis, who
came to California nearly forty years ago and settled at Calistoga,
where he has resided ever since, has been going to Grand Army
gatherings in Santa Rosa for many years. He was one of the
regular visitors in the days of the Northern California Veterans'
Association, which had annual re-unions for many years in the old Grace
Bros. park on Fourth street at McDonald avenue, and later in the
Veterans' park at the city limits on McDonald avenue.
Mr. Mangis was commander of the Calistoga Grand Army of
the Republic Post, when it numbered seventy-five members and
participated in the great Grand Army parade with twenty-three comrades
from that Post when the National encampment took place in San Francisco
many years ago [37th National Encampment, August 1903]. He is now
the sole survivor of that company of Civil War veterans, although there
are now three others who have enrolled in the Post in Calistoga in
recent years. He was elected first vice president of the Northern
California Veterans' Association's last meeting at Santa Rosa, and
since the death of his old-time friend and associate, Newton Conner of
Calistoga, who also was a regular attendant at these encampments, and
who was elected president of the association at its last gathering
there, is acting president of the organization.
Mr. Mangis entered the army as a lad between fifteen and
sixteen years of age in 1861 as a member of the 6th Illinois Voluntary
Cavalry under Colonel Grayson [Grierson], who later became
general. He
served with his command up and down the Mississippi river and
participated in the memorable raid in which the regiment covered more
than 1,500 miles in fifteen days between Memphis and Baton Rouge,
La. He was wounded in 1863 and spent three months in the hospital
in Memphis.
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper, 4 May 1928):
Was Highly Respected Resident of This Section for Third of a Century
A. B. Mangis,
another highly
respected resident of this section for over thirty-three years, was
claimed by death last Sunday afternoon at the Veterans' Home Hospital
at Yountville. He was a veteran of the Civil War, and had been
to the soldiers home for treatment about three weeks prior to his death.
Andrew Bradley Mangis was born in Tennessee on March 8,
1846, and
was, therefore, 81 years, 1 month and 21 days of age at the time of his
death. He came to California thirty-three years ago, and had
in the hills west of Calistoga ever since. He was one of the
remaining members of the Governor Morton Post, No. 40 [sic -- 41],
G.A.R., of
Calistoga, and always took an active and important part in all
patriotic events. This post at one time had about forty members.
His wife, the late Eliza Mangis, died on December 13,
1920, and a
son, Oliver A. Mangis, and a daughter, Mrs. Nora Burke, have also
preceded him to the grave.
Mr. Mangis was an industrious man and an upright citizen
and came as
near living up to the "Golden Rule" as anybody ever could.
He is survived by two sons, William J. Mangis and Andrew
Burt Mangis
of Calistoga, and a daughter, Miss Fleta Mangis of San Francisco, as
well as a granddaughter, Mrs. Winifred Everett of Santa Clara.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church
Wednesday afternoon under the auspices of the grand army post, and the
local American Legion post, and were largely attended by old-time
friends. Interment was made in the family plot in the Calistoga
Native of Tennessee. Died 29 April 1928 at Calistoga. He
was described in the 1896 Great Register
as age 50, height 6 feet, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair,
occupation farmer. The Mangis place was on the Petrified Forest
Road, west of Calistoga. Their property was adjacent to the old
Mitchell hatchery, which is now the Graeser Winery. The Mangis
family also owned property on the east side of the Napa Valley, at the
western base of the Palisades. The property was also known as the
Keller place. It later became the Palisades
Hunting Club. Oliver A. Mangis, Jr., was one of the owners.
The property included a site known as the "Burke Cabin," which may have
had a connection to Andrew B. Mangis' daughter, Nora, and her husband,
Abner Burke. The Mangis family is related through marriage to
Calistoga's Cavagnaro family.
Military Information:
Union. Enlisted on 11 October 1861 in McLeansboro, Hamilton
County, Illinois. Name recorded as "Andrew Mangus."
as age 18, height 5'7", hair fair, eyes blue, complexion fair, single,
occupation farmer, nativity Monroe County, Tennessee. Mustered in
at Shawneetown, Illinois, on 9 January 1862. His father, William
enlisted at the same time, and served with Andrew in the same cavalry
company. A Cornelius C. Mangis (age 18) also enlisted in
McLeansboro on the same day in 1865. He may have been a cousin to
Andrew Mangis served in Company D of the 6th Illinois
Cavalry, and participated in the infamous "Grierson's Raid" during the
Vicksburg Campaign. Mangis was reportedly offered (and refused) a
field commission when a lieutenant in the Company was killed at the
Battle of Holly Springs, Mississippi, in December 1862. Mangis
was wounded near LaGrange, Tennessee, in early 1863 (possibly in
the surprise midnight attack against a regimental detachment on 29
On 6 June 1863, after three months recovering in the hospital at
Memphis, he received a medical discharge from that facility.

Company D
6th Illinois Cavalry
Francis Marion
1839 - 1921
Rank: Private
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper,
18 March 1921):
Francis M. McPherson died at Placerville, El Dorado
county, on Tuesday of this week, and the remains were brought here for
burial. He lived here in early days, but went away something over
thirty years ago. He was a carpenter by trade and is
well-remembered by old-timers. The remains were brought here and
the funeral took place this afternoon from the Odd Fellows' hall under
the auspices of the Calistoga lodge. He was a member of
Georgetown lodge of Odd Fellows, and Rebekahs. Interment was made
in the Calistoga cemetery beside his wife, who passed away several
years ago.
Notes: Native of
Scott County, Illinois, born 31 July 1839. He married Mary
Norton in Jefferson
County, Kansas, on 22 July 1869 (source: IGI and death certificate).
He was enumerated as F. M. McPherson in the 1875 Kansas census
for Oskaloosa Township, Jefferson County, Kansas, listed as a farmer,
age 25, born in Illinois. His household included his wife, M.
McPherson, age 24, born in Missouri; and his son A. E. McPherson, age
2, born in Kansas. In 1900, he was enumerated in Georgetown, El
Dorado County, CA, b. July 1839
in IL, father born NC, mother born TN, widowed, occupation miner in
gold mine, son Albert E. (b. Sept. 1872 in KS) living with him.
In 1910, he was still in
Georgetown, age 71, b. in IL, parents born KY, widowed, working as
miner in gold mine, served in Union Army, son Albert E. still living
with him.
He died at Placerville, El Dorado County, on 15 March 1921
at the age
81 years, 7 months and 15 days, according to his death
certificate. Cause of death was chronic myocarditis. His
miltary headstone is inscribed as follows: FRANCIS M. McPHERSON |
CO. A | 61 IL. INF.
Military Information:
Union. Enlisted as a Private on 24 February 1862. Described
at enlistment as age 23, resident of Manchester, Scott County,
Illinois, height 5'11", hair dark, eyes blue, complexion dark,
farmer. Assigned to Company A, 61st Illinois Infantry Regiment on
24 February 1862. Received a disability discharge from Company A,
61st Illinois Infantry Regiment on 6 August 1862 at St. Louis, Missouri.
He was listed as a pensioner in the 1883 U.S. GPO
official list: Residence, Calistoga; Cause for Pension, gunshot
wound to the left hip; Monthly Rate, $18.00; Certificate number, 16557.

Company A
61st Illinois Infantry
Andrew Jackson "Jack"
c.1822 - 1890
Rank: Private
News article (The Daily
Republican newspaper,
Santa Rosa, Calif., 6 January 1887). Research by Ray Owen, Santa
Rosa, 2009:
But few persons who read the daily papers ever pause
and think, when notice is made of some poor tramp who has bee sent to
jail, who the fellow is, or what he might have been. When Judge
Seawell sent a vagrant named A. J. Moore to the county jail for ten
days, Tuesday, there were few people who, if they thought about it at
all, but said to themselves, "the sentence was too light." But
when they learn the poor old fellow's history, many of our pioneers
will feel more kindly toward him; when they think that there are many
of their old comrades in the same position. The tramp, A. J.
Moore, came to California in the 40's, and settled in the mining
districts. He was highly respected, and was elected the first
Sheriff of El Dorado county. He served in this capacity until
California was admitted to the Union. His worth and ability
caused three successive Sheriffs to retain him as Under-Sheriff.
In those early times only a pioneer knows what a man in the Sheriff's
position was compelled to contend with. Moore remained there
until the war broke out, when he joined the Oregon Infantry Volunteers,
and served until wounded. He was honorably discharged, and now
holds a pension. He is one of the many who have fallen so low.
Obituary (The
Calistogian newspaper,
10 September 1890):
Accidental Death.
A. J. Moore, or
"Jack," as he was usually addressed, met with quick, accidental death
Sunday afternoon last at his cabin in Teale canyon, the facts being as
follows: Higgins Jeagel and Sam, the colored man, were at the
cabin enjoying Jack's hospitality a few hours. They were outside
but close to the cabin, a few feet from which flows a small stream, now
very low. The bank on the cabin side is precipitous, and about
five feet from the top down to the bed of the creek. "Jack" is
said to have been drinking considerably that day, and while near the
bank he stumbled forward and went head foremost over the bank striking
on his head among the stones in the bed of the creek, the body going
over and resting squarely on the back. The two men present
hastened to render assistance, but there were no signs of life
noticeable. "Jack" did not breath nor move a limb. Death
was instantaneous. Particulars were brought to town and Coroner
Lawrence was summoned by telephone. He sent word requesting that
a jury be summoned immediately, which Constable Cherry did. On
the arrival of the Coroner he and the jury repaired to the scene of the
accident, where an inquest was held. After examining into facts
in the case, the jury rendered a verdict of accidental death. The
immediate cause of dissolution was not ascertained, but it was not a
broken neck as was at first reported. "Jack" was an
old-timer. It is said that he was in this vicinity as early as
1855. He left, and after roaming for years over the Pacific Coast
country returned to the Upper Napa Valley three or four years
ago. He was a Mexican war pensioner, a native of Ohio, aged 68
years. His remains were buried in Calistoga Cemetery Sunday last
by Gov. Morton Post, Rev. Joseph Hemphill officiating at the grave.
Notes: He was
probably a
native of Georgia, but his obituary notes he was a native of
Ohio. His father was a native of Virginia, and his mother a
native of Georgia. His mother's maiden name may have been
Gwinnett, Walton or Hall, as Moore notes that her family name appears
on the Declaration of Independence. He was born circa 1822.
Andrew J. Moore provided glimpses into his early life in his
Civil War pension correspondence. In a letter dated 9 June 1878,
written in
Astoria, Oregon, Moore states that, "in 1843 I was permited to take a
rest from School, also permit[ted] from my Father to go to
Oregon." He continues:
I came to
Oregon chance to have a western life, 5 years lived under a provisional
government, help to drive the wild Indians back, help to retake our
women & children back from the Indians after the ma[ss]acre of the
Whitman family and the immigrants went to California, was in all the
Indian trouble there, been a Successful Miner, have been an
unfortunate Miner, have served in the Union sick of the Rebellion war
and no other. I was born South of Mason & Dixon line. I
bleave this could not be a United Republic if we tolerate Secession
although all of Father's were Southern people. My Father of the
Colony of Virginia. My Mother of Gorgia. Herres that name
is on the Declaration of the Independence.
The above account suggests that Moore was one of the earliest
settlers in the Oregon Territory. He may be the same person as
"Jackson Moore" who parted from the Bidwell Party at the Platte in
1843. This man reportedly went to Taos, rather than continue on
to Oregon with the party. Andrew J. Moore statements suggest that
he was
involved in civilian or military actions against Native Americans in
Washington after
the Whitman Massacre of November 1847.
According to an 1887 news article, A. J. Moore came to
California in the 1840's, and was sheriff in the El Dorado County area
until 1850. He reportedly was undersheriff in El Dorado County
for a few terms
thereafter. It is possible that Moore's position as "sheriff" was
based on prior military experience. Captain William E.
Shannon was Alcalde of the Coloma District in 1849, and Moore would
have reported to him. Shannon had been a captain of Company I of
the First Regiment of New York Volunteers (also known as Stevenson's
Regiment), which saw service in California in 1847 and 1848.
There were two soldiers named Andrew Moore in the regiment. One
served in Company B, but returned to Pennsylvania after his
service. The other served in Company D, and remained in
California. The latter was noted as still living in April 1882,
residence Gilroy.
After the
formation of El Dorado County, Moore
was possibly undersheriff to the county's first sheriff Sheriff
William Rogers. Further research may confirm this.
Moore appears as Jackson A. Moore in the 1850 census in
California. He was listed as constable, living in the hotel in
the town
of Coloma, El Dorado County. He was noted as age 30, and a native
of Ohio. He owned real estate valued at $2,000. In the
"Historical Souvenir of El Dorado County, California," published in
1883, Moore is mentioned as being one of the early residents of Coloma,
affectionately called "little Jack More."
He may be the same individual as Andrew J. Moore who
appears in the 1860 census in Alisal Township (Natividad Post
Office). He was listed as a farmer, age 36, born in
Arkansas. He was rooming with Geo. W. Fisk, Jas. Leach,
Christopher C. Coffin, and Peter Canavan. He
may also be the same individual as "A. J. Moore," who appears in the
census in the Youngs River Valley (Astoria P.O.), Clatsop County,
Oregon. He was listed as a carpenter, age 46, born in
Arkansas. The same individual, listed as "Andrew J. Moore," was
still living at Astoria in the 1880 census. He was listed as
a widower, age 56, born in Georgia, parents born in Virginia,
occupation wood chopper.
Moore was living in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon,
in 1883. By January of 1887 he had moved to Sonoma County,
where he was arrested for vagrancy, and sentenced to
ten days in jail. Shortly after his release, he drifted into the
Calistoga area where he remained for the final three years of his life.
According to research by Ray Owen, Andrew Jackson Moore
appears in the 1890 Great Register of California, native of Georgia,
resident of Calistoga.
He died on Sunday, 7 September 1890, and was buried the
same day in the GAR plot in Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery. His
was one of eighteen headstones that were ordered by William T. Simmons
in December 1896. The stone is inscribed as follows: A. J.
Military Information:
Union. He served as a Private in Company E, 1st Oregon Infantry
regiment. The regiment organized between November of 1864 and
January of
1865. Detachments were dispatched to various locations in the
of Oregon, including Fort Vancouver, Fort Klamath, Fort Yamhill, Fort
Steilacoom, Fort Dalles, Fort Walla Walla, Colville, Fort Hoskins, and
Fort Boles. Also saw duty in the Idaho Territory, protecting the
Boles and Snake River country and the Owyhee mines from Indian
raids. The regiment was mustered out on 19 July 1867
(Source: Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System)
According to his pension file, Andrew J. Moore enlisted in
Company E of the 1st Oregon Infantry at Astoria, Clatsop County,
Oregon, on 20 December 1864. Moore notes that he was honorably
discharged as a Private at Fort Vancouver on 22 November 1865.
Andrew J. Moore applied for veteran's
disability pension on 16 May 1878: Application
no. 255285, certificate no. 172144, service was listed as
Company E, 1st Oregon Infantry. The state of filing was not
listed in the pension index. The U.S. GPO
"List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883" supplements the above
information: He was living in Jacksonville, Jackson County,
Oregon, in 1883. Name listed as "Andrew J. Moore." He was
receiving $8.00 per month on a pension first awarded in August, 1880
(certificate 172,144). The pension was awarded due to an injury
to the abdomen (left inguinal hernia). The injury occurred on or
about 16 November 1865, during a march from Fort Colville to Wallula,
Washington, to take a boat to Fort Vancouver.
Although he does not mention it in his pension application, I
suspect Andrew Jackson Moore also served in (or assisted) Stevenson's
Regiment (1st
New York Volunteers) in California immediately prior to

Company E
1st Oregon Infantry
1836 - 1880
Rank: Ship's Steward
Obituary (The
Calistogian newspaper,
11 August 1880):
Last Monday morning Samuel Murphy went to Stratton's house
in Calistoga for the purpose of sawing some wood, but on reaching the
place he felt unwell and sat down in a chair in the saloon. He
was comparatively quiet aside from some complaint made occasionally in
regard to his feelings, and nothing very serious was supposed to
afflict the man until a few minutes before eight o'clock, when his
condition was considered to be precarious, and medical assistance was
sought, but before it arrived he had breathed his last. The body
was removed to Bryant's Hall, and Coroner F. W. Colman was telegraphed
for. On his arrival a Coroner's Jury, consisting of J. B. Brown,
W. F. Fisher, C. W. Northup, J. A. Chesebro, R. P. Johnston and J.
Nunberger, was summoned and a post
mortem examination made. After making such examination and
ascertaining facts the following verdict was rendered by the jury:
We the undersigned Coroner's Jury, convened to inquire
into the cause of the death of deceased, find his name to be Samuel
Murphy, native of Massachusetts, 46 years of age, and that he came to
his death on the morning of the 9th inst. from pulmonary apoplexy.
The deceased was addicted to intemperence but the effects
of ardent spirits on his system did not cause his death as some people
seem to believe, and the post mortem
examination proved this. His intestines and liver were in perfect
condition; but there was something in connection with the heart that
might have caused pulmonary apoplexy, though this could not, as we
understand, be positively decided. Only for undue exposure
previous to Monday forenoon it is very probable the deceased would
still be among the living.
Samuel Murphy was a native of Fall River, Mass.; was born
July 1st, 1836, died Aug. 9th, 1890, and was therefore 44 years, 1
month and 8 days old.
Notes: Native of Fall
River, Bristol County, Massachusetts, born 1 July 1836.
He is
undoubtedly the
same individual as Sam'l C. Murphy, who was enumerated in
the 1870 census in the vicinity of Bale Mill, near Calistoga. He
listed as age 35, born in Massachusetts, occupation farmer. His
household included P. Michael Murphy, age 23, born in Massachusetts,
and Mary Murphy, age 52, born in Ireland.
In 1880, Michael Murphy
living near the John Cyrus family, near Calistoga. This may be
the same Michael Murphy who served as Calistoga's first city clerk.
In the 1873 Great Register of Voters for Napa County, he
is listed as Samuel Courtney Murphy, age 35, born in Massachusetts,
occupation cook, residence Calistoga.
Samuel Murphy died on 9 August 1880 in Calistoga.
headstone was one of eighteen headstones that were ordered by William
T. Simmons in December 1896. As is typical for Navy headstones,
the inscription is a simple one: SAM'L MURPHY | U.S. NAVY.
Military Information:
Union Navy. Although his headstone is simply inscribed "U.S.
Navy," the NARA index card for his military headstone indicates that he
served as Steward aboard the U S S Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania was the
largest of the Navy's sailing warships: A three deck, 120-gun
Ship of the Line, with a 3,241 ton burden. She was launched in
1837. Murphy probably served aboard the Pennsylvania during the period that
she was a receiving ship (training vessel for naval recruits) at the
Norfolk (Gosport) Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia. The ship
was used for this purpose between 1842 and
1861. The Pennsylvania was
burned to the water line by order of the shipyard commander on 20 April
1861, when Confederate forces threatened the facility.

U S S Pennsylvania
U.S. Navy
1841 - 1887
Rank: Full Quartermaster
Sergeant (Brevet Captain)
Obituary (The
Calistogian newspaper,
19 October 1887):
In our present issue, we record the death of Captain James
Burroughs Norton, a respected member of the Chicago Board of
Trade. He was born in the State of New York, July 16th, 1841;
spent the most of boyhood and early manhood in Wisconsin; and led his
active business life in Chicago. At the age of seventeen he
entered the Union Army, and served in Sherman's division in the famous
march to the sea. At the close of the war, on account of his
distinguished bravery, he was commissioned to the rank of
Captain. In the peaceful walks of life he was marked by
intelligence, skill, and enterprise, and, had not his health failed
him, would have gained prominence in the great commercial city of the
West. Four years ago a severe illness sapped the foundation of
his health, and from that time he gradually faded away.
Distinguished doctors and noted climes were alike ineffectual in
checking his malady. His last resort was the dry, sunny climate
of California. He came to the home of his sister, Mrs. Ayer, last
March, and spent his last days in Calistoga. His last earthly
hope was blighted, even California could not restore to him that
priceless treasure -- health.
On Sunday evening, Oct. 16th, he sank peacefully into that
"sleep which knows no waking." He leaves behind him a wife and
two children. His death is deeply felt by many, as his sterling
qualities had endeared him to a large social circle. A kind and
indulgent father, a devoted husband, an affectionate brother, a
dutiful son, a genial companion, a prudent business man, a warm-hearted
patriot has gone and left a blank that time can not fill.
Death Notice (The
Calistogian newspaper,
same issue):
NORTON. -- In Calistoga, Oct. 16th, at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Mary C. Ayer, James Burroughs Norton, a native of New York, aged
46 years and 3 months.
Notes: In 1860, he
was living in Springfield, Wisconsin; listed as age 19, born in New
York, parents
Burris and Margaret Norton. In 1880, he was living in Chicago,
Illinois; listed as age 38, born in New York, occupation "Com.
Merchandise." He was living under the household of his
mother-in-law, Eliza H. Cox. Also in the household were his wife,
Julia B. Norton (age 29, born in Ohio), and sons Milton G. (age 6) and
Weber C. Norton (age 5 months). Both the sons were born in
James' sister, Mary Catherine Ayer (nee Norton), was the wife of
Calistoga's first dairyman, Charles A. Ayer (1839-1885). She also
served at one
time as President of Calistoga's Woman's Relief Corps. According
to research
by Kent Domogalla, Mary was living in the house at the southeast corner
of Berry and Cedar Streets in the 1870's (about the time that James
came to Calistoga). The house was later used as a Christian
Science Society. My mother and grandmother were members, and I
was in the house many times attending services. The Society
disbanded in the late 1970's.
Information: Union. Enlisted 17 October 1861.
Residence Springfield, Wisconsin. Assigned to Company E, 16th
Infantry Regiment on 17 October 1861. Wounded on 3 October 1862 at
Corinth, Mississippi. Promoted to Brevet Captain on 3 October
1862. Transferred on 22 August 1864 from Company E to Company S
of the 16th Wisconsin Infantry. Promoted to Full Quartermaster
Sergeant on 22 August 1864. Mustered out of Company E, 16th
Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 12 July 1865 at Louisville,
Kentucky. Rank in: Private. Rank out: Q.M. Sergeant.
Applied for veteran's
disability pension on 29 August 1887 (California): Application
no. 620916, certificate no. 457062. His widow, listed as Mary W.
Norton, applied
for a
widow's benefit in California on 3 April 1888: Application no.
certificate no. 264808.

Companies E & S
16th Wisconsin Infantry
c.1836 - 1896
Rank: Full Chief Bugler
Obituary: (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper, Friday, 23 October 1896):
W. E. Stratton, an old time resident and eccentric character, died at
his home in this city last Friday evening. The deceased was a
native of Massachusetts and aged over 60 years. The remains were
interred in the Calistoga cemetery on Saturday beside his wife, who died
some two years ago.
Notes: He was a
native of
Marlborough, Massachusetts.
He was described in 1898 as age 61, height 5 feet
8 inches, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, liquor dealer in
Calistoga. In the 1880 census,
he was listed as age 43, born in Massachusetts, parents also born in
Massachusetts, occupation saloon
keeper. His household in 1880 included only his wife, Sarah (age
34), a native of England. His wife, Sarah A. Stratton (nee
Towill), died Wednesday, 1 May 1895, as the result of a fall while
enebriated. The results of her inquest were published in the 4
May 1895 edition of the Independent
Calistogian newspaper.
William's marriage to Sarah A. Towill is recorded in Napa
County Marriage book 4, page 58. The marriage took place on 31
December 1879, probably in Calistoga. W. S. Bryant, Preacher of
the Gospel, was minister, and witnesses were L. N. Bryant and James
Allen, both of Calistoga. The marriage license was issued on 25
February 1874. It described William as a native of Massachusetts,
age 38, resident of Calistoga. Sarah was described as a native of
England, age 32, resident of Calistoga.
advertised himself as "Notary Public and Conveyancer." In
addition to being a notary public in Calistoga in the late 1880's he
was also in real estate sales, an insurance agent, and a loan agent and
general banker. His office was on Lincoln Avenue, opposite the
Calistoga Depot. William died at his home in Calistoga on 16 October 1896,
and was buried alongside his wife on 17 October 1896. His
military headstone was one of eighteen headstones that were ordered by
William T. Simmons in December 1896. It is inscribed as
follows: W. E. STRATTON | 16TH N.Y. CAV.
He appears in the 1882 Great Register of Voters of Napa
County, listed as William Edward Straton, age 43, native of
Massachusetts, occupation saloon keeper, residence Calistoga.
He was noted for having a miniature cannon, which he would fire
in public on special occasions, such as Washington's birthday.
Military Information:
Union. Prior to the Civil War, William E. Stratton served as a
Bugler in the U.S. Regulars. He enlisted at Boston on 1 March
1858, and was mustered into Company A of the 2nd Dragoons (2nd U.S.
Cavalry). A "Horatio W. Stratton" (possibly a younger brother)
enlisted in the same company on the same date. William was
described at the time of enlistment as age 22, native of Marlborough,
Massachusetts, occupation bootmaker, eyes blue, hair brown, complexion
dark, height 5' 7 1/2". He was discharged on expiration of his
term of service as a Bugler at camp in Falmouth, Virginia, on 2 March
1863. He was listed as a Bugler in the
muster roll of Company A, 2nd Dragoons, for the period ending 31
December 1861. Several companies in the regiment were broken
up in July of 1862, the buglers in Company A being sent on recruiting
duty to New York City.
William enlisted at the age of 27 as a volunteer on
24 April 1863 at Buffalo, New York, and was mustered into Company B of
the 16th New York Cavalry ("Sprague Light Cavalry") as a Private on the
same date. He was immediately promoted to Full Chief
Bugler and assigned to Regimental Field Officers and Staff. He
was transferred to the 3rd New York
Provisional Cavalry Regiment as F&S (Field Officers and Staff) on
17 August 1865, during the
consolidation of the 13th and 16th New York Cavalry Regiments into the
newly organized 3rd Provisional. The regiment was only in
existence for 30 days. He
was mustered out the
3rd New York Prov'l Cavalry Regiment on 21 September 1865 at Camp
Barry, Washington, DC. Rank in: Private. Rank
out: Full Chief Bugler.
He applied for a veteran's disability pension in
California on 30 October
1873 (application no. 910441, certificate no.
(none). The application was apparently denied. The pension
index card notes his service as Co. A, 2 U.S.
Cav., and as Bugler in the 3 N.Y. Prov. Cav.

Company A
2nd U.S. Dragoons (Regular Army)

Company B
16th New York Cavalry

Field Officers & Staff
3rd Prov'l New York Cavalry
1833 - 1900
Rank: Private
Obituary (The Weekly Calistogian newspaper,
27 July 1900):
Augustine Towle died at his home in this place on Tuesday
morning at about 10 o'clock of heart disease. While he had been
ill for several months, yet he was able to be up and around and his
sudden demise was considerable of a surprise to his family. The
deceased was a native of Maine and aged nearly 67 years, but he had
been a resident of California for about thirty-three years. He
leaves a wife and five grown children to mourn his demise. The
funeral was conducted Wednesday from the family residence and was held
under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic and Woman's Relief
corps, he being a member of the former organization. Rev. H. C.
Tallman conducted the services and the remains were laid at rest in the
Calistoga cemetery.
Notes: Native of
Maine. He was described in 1896 as age 62, height 5 feet 5.5
inches, light complexion, blue eyes, gray hair. In 1860, he was
living in North Chelsea, Mass.; listed as
age 26, born in Maine,
wife Susan age 19, daughter Elizabeth E. age 10/12. In 1870, he
was living in Hot Springs Township (Calistoga); listed as age 36, born
in Maine, teamster,
wife Susan, and children Elizabeth E., Susan A., Augustine, and Ada M.
1900: In Calistoga, born February 1833 in Maine, father born in NH,
for 39 years,
wife Susan born March 1842, son William born 1873.
His military headstone is inscribed as follows:
Military Information:
Union. He enlisted on 22 October 1861 and was mustered into
Company I of the 1st Massachusetts Infantry regiment on the same
date. Residence North
Chelsea, Massachusetts. Occupation, teamster. He was
reported missing (wounded) at Nelson's Farm, Virginia, on 30 June
Wounded at Chancellorsville, Virginia, on 3 May 1863. Transferred
to Company D, 9th Veteran Reserve Corps (VRC) on 4 May
1864, on account of his injury. Reenlisted in Company D, 9th VRC
Regiment on 6 May
1864. Discharged on 18 November 1865.
Applied for veteran's
disability pension on 23 April 1881 (California): Application no.
420242, certificate no. 232446. His widow, Susan, applied for a
widow's benefit in California in 1901: Application no. 737801,
certificate no. 536743.

Company I
1st Mass. Infantry
Company D
9th Veteran Reserve Corps
Unassigned Detachment Veteran Reserve Corps
Thomas Fletcher Wells
1843 - 1916
Rank: Private
Obituary (The Weekly
Calistogian newspaper, 28 April 1916):
Thomas F. Veale Died at the
Veterans' Home
Thomas F. Veale of Calistoga, who had been a patient at
the Veterans Home Hospital for several months past, died at that
institution at a late hour Wednesday night. Death was due to
heart failure and chronic bronchitis of which he had been a sufferer
for a long time.
Mr. Veale was a native of Illinois and was aged 73 years,
3 months and 4 days. He came to California fifty years ago,
leaving shortly after the close of the Civil War, of which he was a
The deceased had been a resident of Napa county during the
greater part of the last half century and lived most of the time in or
near Calistoga. For many years he was engaged in farming, but of
late years resided at his home on Washington street in town.
Mr. Veale is survived by his wife, his two children by a
former wife having passed away some years ago.
The remains were brought to Calistoga and the funeral will
be held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, and
interment will be made in Calistoga cemetery.
Native of Eldara, Pike County, Illinois. He was described in the
1896 Great Register as age 53, height 5 feet 6.5 inches, light
complexion, blue eyes, gray hair, occupation farmer, end of left
forefinger off. I am completing a full
biography on Thomas and his family. A draft
version is available in pdf format on this website. The
Veales once owned the ranch on
which I live in Calistoga. His civilian headstone in Calistoga's
Cemetery incorrectly lists his name as Thomas Roe Veale, probably due
to some confusion with Thomas' brother's name, Richard Rowe Veale.
Military Information:
Union. Enlisted on 15 August 1862 at Pittsfield, Illinois, at
the age of 19. Name spelled Thomas Veal. Described as
height 5'6", hair light, eyes gray, complexion fair, single, occupation
farmer. Assigned to Company G, 99th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
on 23 August 1862. Contracted rubella (German measles) at Salem,
Missouri, in November 1862. Hospitalized at Houston, Missouri,
for several months, then transferred to hospital at Milliken's Bend,
Received medical discharge on 11 April 1863 from Milliken's Bend.
Official records incorrectly list him as deserted at Milliken's
Bend. Rank in: Private. Rank out:
Applied for veteran's disability pension on 21 March
1881: Application no. 508886, certificate no. 445819
(California). Widow (Ellen Veale, nee Boase) applied for widow's
benefit on
6 November 1916: Application no. 1083609, certificate no. 859672

Company G
99th Illinois Infantry
1837 - 1913
Rank: Private
Obituary (The Weekly Calistogian newspaper,
Friday, 21
November 1913):
Alexander Von Boyd died at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
John Schmehle, on Monday evening [17 November] of heart failure after a
illness. Mr. Von Boyd was a native of Ohio, but moved with his
parents to Indiana when a young boy. He went to Idaho about forty
years ago, where he resided until about fourteen years ago when he came
to California to make his home with his daughter. He united with
the Congregational church when a young man, and was a member of the
congregation of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches of this
place. He was a school teacher for many years in his younger days.
The deceased was aged 75 years, 11 months and 25
days. He was a veteran of the civil war and an Odd Fellow.
The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the home of
Schmehle, and was largely attended. Rev. W. G. Trudgeon
officiated and a choir furnished the music. Interment was made in
Calistoga cemetery. The burial services of the Odd Fellows were
exemplified at the grave by the officers of the local lodge.
Notes: Alexander Von
Boyd (a.k.a., Alexander V. Boyd) was a native of
Tuscarawas County, Ohio, born 23 November 1837, according to his own
accounts in the military pension files. His family name was Boyd,
but for unknown reasons, he
added "Von" to his surname, giving it a Germanic character. It
may have been an adaptation using his middle name. He was one of
least four children born to Robert Boyd (1810-c.1842) and Mary Jane
Vaughan (1812-1850) of Wayne Township in Tuscarawas County (Source:
Ancestry.com, data posted by Dave Richardson). His parents died
when he was
young, so the statement in his obituary that he moved to Indiana with
his parents appears to be incorrect. In the 1850 census, he and
his younger sister Martha
appear in the household of Conrad and Jane Adams of Wayne Township,
Tuscarawas County. Alexander probably came to Indiana with his
older brother, Joseph, who settled in Daviess County.
Alexander is probably the same individual
as "Alex. Boyd" (age 16), who was a farm hand working for Allen Hadley
in Monroe Township, Morgan County, Indiana, in 1860. Alexander
was a resident of Roanoke, Huntington County, Indiana, when he enlisted
in the 75th Indiana Volunteer Infantry in 1862.
After the Civil War -- for a few years beginning in 1866
Von Boyd and his family lived in the vicinity of Washburn, Barry
County, Missouri. Judging from the birthplaces of his two
daughters, the family moved from Missouri to Arkansas sometime between
1868 and 1870. By July of 1870, Von Boyd and his family were
living in Cedar Township (Berrysville Post Office), Carroll County,
Arkansas. He was listed as "Alexander Boyde," age 32, farmer,
probably renting a farm. His household included his wife "Liddy
An" (age 21, a native of Tennessee), daughter Martha A. (age 2), and
daughter Sarah Ida (age 1 month). According to his own account,
Von Boyd then moved to Idaho about 1873. In 1880, Von Boyd was
enumerated in Wood Creek, Alturas County (now Blaine County), Idaho,
along with his wife,
Lydia (age 30), and daughter Martha A. (age 12). He was listed as
"Alexander Boyd," age 41, keeping station (railroad). Around
1894-95, Von Boyd was admitted to the National Home for Disabled
Soldiers in Idaho (located in Boise). He was still in Idaho in
1897, stating that he was
a resident of Blaine County.
Around 1899, Von Boyd moved to California to be closer to
his daughter, (Martha) Alice. He initially moved to the Pacific
Branch of the
National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (at Santa Monica).
He was enumerated there (in Los Angeles County, California) in the 1900
census, listed (with obvious errors) as "Alexander V. Boyd," single,
age 65, born July 1834
in Indiana. He remained at the soldiers home in Santa Monica
until sometime after February 1908. By 1910, he was living in the
home of his
daughter, (Martha) Alice Fletcher, on the "Lake County Road" (now Lake
Street) in Calistoga. The house they lived in was
an architectural curiosity in Calistoga, being octagonal in
shape. According to local historian Ira C. "Burt" Adams, it was
built by A. D. Rogers for
Mr. Fletcher, who was "a mining man from Idaho." In the 1910
census, Von Boyd was listed as a widower, age 72, born in Ohio.
Others in the household were Alice Fletcher's children, Ida (age 20),
and Bert (age 18). The "octagon house" was located on the
northwest corner of the intersection of Lake and Grant Streets.
appears to have also purchased a lot on the southwest corner of the
same intersection (now
part of the high school property). His name appears as the owner
on a 1915
map of Napa County parcels, published a little over a year after his
Alexander was described in 1891 as 5 feet 10 1/2 inches tall,
light complexion, sandy hair, with blue eyes. In later years he
reportedly sported a beard.
Alexander Von Boyd was the subject of a research
project by Bruce Hitchko's 5th Grade class in the 1990-91 school
year at Calistoga Elementary. Students involved in the project
included Nicola Scott,
Dalila Malina, Justin Cole, Charles Blakely, Tyson J. Miller, Allison
Insogna, and Tina Frediani. The group did an impressive amount of
preserved in a report which was kindly loaned to me by Bruce Hitchko in
Related family names include Fletcher, Schmehle, Tomasi,
Bynon, Scannell, and Jamison. The Tomasi and Bynon families have
Sonoma County ties. Alexander's daughter, Alice Fletcher Schmehle
(nee Boyd) (1868-1932), is buried next to him in Calistoga Pioneer
Cemetery. His military headstone is inscribed as follows:
THOS. VEAL | CO. G. | 99 ILL. INF.
Military Information:
Union. He enlisted as "Alex. V. Boyd" on 6 August 1862 in
Company H, 75th
Indiana Volunteer Infantry, at Roanoke, Huntington County,
Indiana. He was 24 years old at the time of enlistment. The
regiment was mustered in at Wabash, Wabash County, Indiana, on 19
August 1862. He saw action in the engagements at Perrysville
(Oct. 1862), Hoover's Gap (June 1863), Chickamauga (Sept. 1863), and
the siege of Chattanooga (Nov. 1863). In early May of 1864, while
on duty in the Atlanta Campaign at Chattanooga, Tennessee, Alexander
became unfit for duty due to symptoms of exposure. He was sent to
the rear to recover. Suffering from chronic diarrhea, rheumatism
and partial deafness, he was admitted to the military hospital at
Madison, Indiana, in the summer of 1864. On 30 August 1864,
Alexander left the military hospital at Madison "for the purpose of
transacting business of an important character relative to his
property." He apparently did so without clear permission from his
superiors, and upon his return on 14 September 1864, was refused
admission and turned over to the Provost Marshall as a deserter.
In November/December 1864, his case was forwarded to Louisville,
Kentucky, and recommended for court marshall. It appears that the
charges were dropped, as there are no records showing that the case was
Alexander next appears in the military hospital at
Evansville, Indiana, where he was released back to his regiment on 25
May 1865. On 8 June 1865, he was transferred to Company K, 42nd
Indiana Volunteer Infantry, which was stationed at Washington, D.C., at
the time. A note in the regimental roster indicates that he was
absent and sick from the time of his transfer until the regiment was
mustered out in Louisville, Kentucky, on 21 July 1865. His last
few weeks in the 42nd Indiana Infantry allowed him to complete his
3-year volunteer service commitment.
Rank in: Private. Rank out:
He applied for veteran's disability pension as "Alexander
Boyd" on 12 February 1891. Application no. 986992, certificate
no. 905636 (Idaho). His service was noted as "H 75 Ind. Inf."

Company H
75th Indiana Infantry

Company K
42nd Indiana Infantry
1836 - 1914
Rank: Full Corporal
Obituary (The Weekly Calistogian newspaper,
December 1914):
Nelson L. Wandell died at his home in the Power cottage on
Myrtle and Elm streets last Sunday night at about midnight. He
had been ill only a few days prior to his death, although his health
had been poor for some time. The deceased was a veteran of the
Civil war and several of his comrades here administered great comfort
to him in his last hours on earth. The deceased was a native of
New York and aged 78 years and 22 days. His only relative on this
coast is a sister-in-law, Mrs. Martha Forsyth, who came up from
Berkeley to attend the funeral. He had been a resident of this
state forty years and was a carpenter by occupation. The funeral
was held Wednesday from the undertaking parlors of M. Moran and
interment was made in Calistoga cemetery.
Native of Buffalo, Erie County, New York, probably born 22 November
1837. This date of birth was noted in his Civil War journal (see
Military Information section below), and it agrees with information
reported in the 1900 census. Based on his obituary, his
calculated birth date would be 21 November 1836.
Nelson Wandell appears in the 1850 census in Buffalo (2nd
Ward), Erie County, New York, living in the household of Louisa Wandell
(age 40, b. in NY). Nelson was listed as age 13, born in New
York, attending school. Others in the household (presumably
Nelson's siblings) were Charles P. Wandell (age 18, b. in NY, tailor),
Henry Wandell (age 14, b. in NY), and Margaret J. Wandell (age 11, b.
in NY).
In 1860, Nelson Wandell was living in Hinsdale, Cheshire
County, New Hampshire, where he was enumerated in the census in the
household of Leonard and Harriet Perham. Wandell was listed as
age 22, born in New York, occupation carpenter. By July 1862, he
had moved to Brattleboro, Vermont, where he enlisted to serve in the
Union Army.
By 1870, Nelson Wandell had moved back to his home town of
Buffulo, Erie County, New York, where the 1870 census finds him living
in the household of Justus and Sarah Clark. Wandell was listed as
age 26, native of New York, occupation carpenter. His personal
estate was valued at $2,000 (he had no real estate). Wandell's
obituary suggests that he moved to California sometime around 1874.
In 1900, he was living alone on Mission Street in San
Francisco, working as a merchant. He was listed as single, age
62, born November 1837 in New York, parents both born in Vermont.
In 1910, he was still living in San Francisco as a lodger on Guerrero
Street, name listed as "Nelson A. Wandell." He was listed as a
retired carpenter and Union Civil War veteran, single, age 72, born in
New York. His parents were also noted as being born in New York.
He appears as Nelson Lord Wandell, age 62, living at 1133
1/2 Mission Street, in the 1900 Great Register of Voters in San
Wandell died in Calistoga on 13 December 1914, and was
buried in the G.A.R. Plot at Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery on 16 December
1914. His military headstone is inscribed as follows:
Military Information:
Union. Nelson Wandell enlisted on 4 July 1862, and was mustered
as a Private into Company K of the 9th Vermont Infantry on 9 July
1862. His residence at the time of enlistment was Brattleboro,
Vermont. He was promoted to Full Corporal on 1 September
1863. He was mustered out near Manchester, Virginia, on 13 June
Wandell kept a journal during his service in Company K of
the 9th Vermont Infantry. He donated the journal to the Brooks
Memorial Library in Brattleboro, Vermont, in 1906. The text has
since been transcribed, and can be read at the Brooks Memorial Library
website at the following link:
Thanks goes to Tom Ledoux, webmaster of the Vermont in
the Civil War website, for passing along the above information
about the journal and its transcription!

Company K
9th Vermont Infantry
1808 - 1883
Rank: Private
Obituary (The Independent
Calistogian, 21 March 1883):
Death. -- John Watson, for over fourteen years a resident
of the Upper Napa Valley, died at his residence in Calistoga last
Sunday. The funeral took place from the M. E. church Monday
afternoon, and the remains were buried in the Calistoga cemetery.
Having been a soldier during the rebellion, we understand, a number of
veterans were in attendance at the funeral, some of whom acted as
pall-bearers. Mr. Watson was a native of New Hampshire, and 74
years of age. The only surviving member of the family is his aged
Death Notice
(The Independent Calistogian,
March 1883):
WATSON -- In Calistoga, Sunday, March 18th, 1883, John
Watson, aged 74 years and 7 months.
The deceased was a native of New Hampshire, having been
born at Northwood in that state in 1808. He came to California
many years ago, and was a resident of the Upper Napa Valley more than
14 years. His widow is the only surviving member of the family.
Native of Northwood, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, born about
August 1808.
John Watson was in California in February of 1865 when he
enlisted in the U.S. Army. He was discharged at Point San Jose
(Fort Mason, San Francisco) in February of 1868. According to his
obituary, he had migrated to the upper Napa Valley within a year of his
discharge. I could find no record of him in the 1870 census.
and his
wife, Louisa, were enumerated in the 1880 census in Calistoga.
John was listed as a retired farmer, age 72, born in New
Hampshire. Luisa was listed as age 46, born in New York.
John died in Calistoga on 18 March 1883, and was buried in
the family's plot in Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery. His wife,
Louisa, apparently moved back to New York, where she filed for a
widow's benefit in 1891. John's grave is marked by both a family
and military headstone. The family headstone is inscribed as
follows: JOHN WATSON | DIED | Mar. 18, 1883 | AGED | 74 yr's, 6
mo's. His military headstone is incribed: JNO. WATSON | CO.
D. | 2ND U.S. ART.
Military Information:
Union. Regular Army. John Watson enlisted at Sausalito,
California, on 9
February 1865 for a term of 3 years. He was described at the time
of enlistment as age 35; born in Northwood, New Hampshire; occupation
machinist; eyes blue, hair brown, complexion fair; height 5' 5
1/2". Service was listed as Battery B of the 3rd U.S. Artillery
and Battery D of the 2nd U.S. Artillery.
Battery B of the 3rd U.S. Artillery was stationed in the
Francisco Bay area during the war. John Watson's actual Civil War
would have been while assigned to this battery. Battery D of the
2nd U.S. Artillery saw much action in the eastern conflicts during the
war. The regiment was assigned to San Francisco in September
1865. It would have been after the war that John Watson was
transferred to Battery D of this regiment. Battery D remained
posted at the San Francisco Bay defenses
through the remainder of John's three-year term of service. He
was discharged as a
Private on account of expiration of service on 9 February 1868 at Point
San Jose (later called Fort Mason), California.
John's wife, Louisa, applied for and received a
widow's pension benefit in New York on 26 March 1891 (application no.
504801, certificate no. 408243). Military service on the pension
index card was noted as "D 2 U.S. Art." and "B 3 U.S. Art."

Battery B
3rd U.S. Artillery
(Regular Army)
Post War Service:

Battery D
2nd U.S. Artillery
(Regular Army)